Killer Core and Cardio workout!!! Whoosh!

Hello everyone, how are you, what's news in your world? All good here. Hope you're eating clean, exercising and loving life :-)

I just came back from the Killer Core and Cardio KCC workout that most of you are following (who don't follow the Fit Yummy Mummy workouts) and sheesh was that a good workout. For those that don't know what the workout consists of, here it is:

- Russian twist with plate
- Suicide runs (sprinting up and back touching the ground at each end- 10m)
- Plank
- Step- ups with plate
- Side plank (30 secs each side)
- Backwards running 
- Weighted sit-up
- Running push-ups (x4 mountain climbers then x1 push-up) 
- Oblique crunch (30 sec each side)
- Skipping (rope)  
- Reverse crunch
- Knees up running (slow)
- V-sit
Jackie from Crabtree Fitness Professionals made us repeat these suckers twice, duration for each exercise 60 seconds. It was intense and made me sweat. Great work! I can't wait to see the results of the KCC ab challenge peeps next week. Can you believe it? Our ab challenge finishes next Wednesday 5th September.

Which reminds me my next Fit Yummy Mummy Challenge starts on Monday 3rd September and runs for 10 weeks so anyone wanting to join me.... You know the drill. Otherwise check my fitness tab for any new readers that wish to follow me and the success this program brings to our post baby bodies!! My main goal with this challenge will be strength training and really building and defining my muscles. I've never had my body looking like this before, so I'd like to take it to the next level.

I have a few days to catch up with so I'll endeavour to link the recipes to my food tab.

My goals thus far have been spot on, having said that I did miss my run today as I have a rest day today. However the fact that I took part in the KCC workout tonight should count as a bit of running, yeah? Good to see what my other readers are doing, so I understand when they tell me how much the knee up running killed them!

All workouts done and no caffeine day 5. I am on fire!!! Slowly working towards these abs resurfacing, just need to strengthen these muscles and looking for heavier weights. However I still haven't ventured out to buy some. Why???? I don't know. Unsure of going DB, plate or Kettlebell.

Quinoa with fruit (I promise to post my steps and cooking process real soon for one of my readers that has requested this)
Pear and cinnamon porridge

Morning snacks
Frozen raspberries with natural yogurt and walnuts

Egg pizza

3 eggs
1 tomato
handful of chopped spinach and parsley leaves
1 diced red onion
handful of kalamata olives
1/2 cup of crumbled feta cheese

Gently fry onions, tomato, spinach and olives. Then quickly beat up the eggs, add the crumbled feta and pour on top of mixture. Then place under the grill until cooked. Real fast and simple, extremely flavoursome. I just use whatever ingredients I have left over in the fridge. You can use your imagination and put whatever ingredients!

Vegetable arrancini ball with rocket

Afternoon snacks 
Cheese and crackers
Vegetable sticks

Vegetable meatballs with brown rice and rocket, feta salad

500g beef mince
1 egg
2 slices of fresh breadcrumbs soaked in milk
1/2 cup crumbled feta
handful of parsley and coriander
4 small grated beetroots
1 garlic and 1 onion grated
2 carrots crated

Combine all ingredients as pictured above and roll into balls (I made 12 medium size golf ball sizes) and bake in 180C degree oven until cooked (approx. 30 minutes).  I then made a passata tomato base sauce with basil and served with brown rice and rocket salad.

Beef and Chicken curries with pumpkin, brussel sprouts & feta salad

We went to our friends house for dinner and I made this salad with the ingredients I already had in my pantry and fridge.

Ingredients for Pumpkin, feta, brussel sprouts salad
1/2 a kent pumpkin (washed and sliced)
2 red onions (cut in wedges)
olive oil
sprinkle of coriander spice
400g can of 4 mixed beans (wash and drain)
12 brussel sprouts (steamed and sliced)
1 large slice of feta cheese, crumbled
bunch of rocket and spinach leaves (washed)
handful of parsley and coriander
1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds (lightly toasted)

Roast (approx. 20 mins in a 180C degree oven) pumpkin and onions with a sprinkle of coriander, cracked pepper and drizzle of olive oil. In the meantime steam or boil brussel sprouts in salty water for 3-5 minutes and to keep them green and fresh, I place them in some ice. Once pumpkin and onions are cooked I lay them with the sliced brussel sprouts to absorb the beautiful sweet flavour and juices.

This is such a simple salad, as the pumpkin, onions and brussels were the only things that had to be cooked. When you are ready to serve simply layer up your rocket & spinach salad, cut up the pumpkin in bite sizes, crumble feta around, pumpkin seeds, beans, onions, pumpkins and so on...the best part is you just have to drizzle it with balsamic vinegar. Really tasty!

Please let me know what's news with you???  How are you going with your ab challege? Stay happy!

Xx Dani