Day 2 - TT12 ab challenge

Hello everyone, thank you to those that have already emailed me and sent pictures with your measurements. It's totally up to you if you would like to share your pictures, but I do suggest you take them for yourself as YOU WILL see the difference even if the scales don't budge! if not please still send in your measurements around your waist, belly button (muffin top) and hips. Just to showcase how many cm's and inches you will reduce over these next 3 weeks.

I AM SOOOOO PUMPED!!! So glad you could all join me x

Here is my vertical shot of my tummy yesterday (excuse the clothing as I just landed unexpectedly at my girlfriends house, Celeste after school pick up and asked if she could please take a photo with her beaut camera. It shows up a bit better than my iPhone bathroom shots) and then I took a photo of her. You can check out pics on her blog. She will be following the Killer Core and Cardio by Jackie at Fitting In Fitness workout over the next 3 weeks.

Just capturing the tummy from every angle :-)))

WORKOUT update I did my 15 minutes Fit Yummy Mummy August workout superset and sweated up a treat last night. I then did a quick 10 minutes interval session (I typically do 15 minutes but I was pretty wasted from the resistance training) of 60 seconds squats and 30 seconds marching on the spot.  So today is my day of rest. However have been planking :-)

As mentioned with our ab challenge these next 3 weeks, it's all about being consistent with your normal exercise program or please jump onboard with me at Fit Yummy Mummy. There you will have all the tools including NEW monthly workouts plus videos on how to do it, heaps of meal plan ideas, discussions with like minded women in the forums, recipes your finger tips especially if you click my link you will receive a 50% discount off the ebook and have 30 days of FREE access to all of this at Clubfym. See how you go.

I just wanted to ensure those that sent me their tummy shots and your shocked comments about them, IT'S A GOOD THING!!! YOU can SEE IT, have ACKNOWLEDGED it and NOW YOU ARE going to do something about it.

Not me, YOU! I am here to cheer you along and show you that I can do it with you. That is why I journal my food, tell you what exercises I do so you know it doesn't just miraculously happen or if you have that sugar in your tea or coffee, it's ok. Every little thing counts. There are so many excuses I made as I am SUCH a LOVER OF FOOD so all I do now is try to eat supportive meals 85-95% of the time.

My goal over the next 3 weeks is to eliminate sugar (where possible, there is a hazelnut chocolate in the pantry from a couple of weeks, that I'm thinking I'll check if I can have just one row and not the entire block aye?) and if I have a treat eg: dessert it will be something like an apple crumble with oats, walnuts and maple syrup. No added sugary stuff or heavy fatty, buttery pastry!!!! I turn to a lot of "clean eating" websites for inspiration and I will share these along the way over the next 3 weeks. Otherwise check out my RHS tabs for the places I go for recipe ideas....

While we're on the topic of our lovely tummy's here is me 7 months ago (Zali in the background so you know it's really me).

I had to take this picture. I was outside that day with Zali and felt so uncomfortable, just sitting down with my rolls. Don't get me wrong, I know I just had a baby 5 months back. I also know that feeling, when I didn't have a newborn and it was that belly, it was just there. I didn't do anything about it but it annoyed the crap out of me. Hence me doing something about it......

Dani's Summer early 2012 tummy

I hope all of us here, can get YOU to do the same. I am here to let you know it is doable!!!! Xx

NB: With or without having a baby, it's all excess fat regardless if you are male or female....

Back to my day of food....

Yogurt with pears, kiwi fruit and walnuts
2 pieces of wholemeal toast with coconut butter and sprinkled cinnamon

Morning snack
Vanilla protein drink
1 apple

Beef taco salad (left overs from Monday nights dinner)

Afternoon snack
2 eggs
hummus dip with carrot sticks

Meatballs in herb and tomato passata sauce

NB: chicken soup in background for Zali's weekly emergency meals in the freezer

Tomato passata sauce
1 bottle of passata cooking sauce 700ml
2 gloves of garlic (crushed/minced)
handful of basil, oregano

Simply place sauce in fry pan, add crushed garlic and herbs and let this simmer until it becomes a thick sauce. This is how I make my pizza base sauce also. Quick and easy and not like the bottled preservative stuff.

Vegetable feta meatloaf with mushroom gravy and brown rice was last nights dinner

Ingredients for Vegetable Feta Meatloaf
500gms mince (your choice, I mix it up with chicken sometimes or beef & pork, veal)
grated veggies (once again your choice on quantity and what is in season. I had carrots & zucchini)
fresh herbs (parsley, mint etc...)
2 eggs
1 grated onion
1 garlic clove crushed
1 slice of chia bread soaked in milk
crumbled fets

Amazing how far 500g of mince goes? 2 dinners :-)

Mix all the ingredients by hands (I use kitchen disposable gloves) and line a bread tin with parchment paper. The left over mince mix, I used for tonights dinner "meatballs" to save me from cooking.

As you may be aware meatloaf can be very dry when over cooked or rather when cooking it for a long period of time. This is why I LOAD it with vegetables especially with zucchini's AKA courgette as they are typically loaded with heaps of water once grated. I keep my meatloaf in the oven for nearly 2 hours on low-med (180C) heat, in a casserole dish filled with water, so it's being cooked both ways :-)

Well I do hope everyone is fabulous and I am really feeling the love from you all. I LOVE THIS BLOG GIG I'VE GOT GOING ON!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Seriously! This is the best feeling ever!!! I just got an email from one of my Facebook fans and it has got me so excited!!! I got Miriam's ok to post this so THANKS again Miriam x

Hi there,
bumped into your information and thus transformation online and then onto facebook.
Thank you for sharing your story and FYM info. As a result, I have purchased the ebook through your link and if possible, I would like to be a late starter on your ab challenge too.. 
can you please let me know how I can participate... if possible, as it has started and any other info that might be relevent.
once again, thank you for sharing your info and if you haven't been told, you look amazing and your positivity reads beautifully online.

miriam x

Good night EVERYONE!!!!!  XxDani