Getting to Know...................

This weeks Getting to Know is ........................................................Chrissy Hancock.

Chrissy is an all rounder, you could say she possesses real fitness as she is strong, has great cardio fitness, has good movement etc. Chrissy also has that positve mental focus that when she walks in the doors to train thats all she focuses on. You know you will get 100% effort everytime. So lets get to know Chrissy a bit more.

Chrissy, 100% commitment everytime.
How did you discover Hybrid?
It was recommended to me by some wonderful Hybrid members.
What were your thoughts after your first class at Hybrid?
Loved IT! What time is the next class.

Favourite Hybrid Class?
Hard to pick just one, but bootcamp on the riverbank first thing in the morning is really hard to top.

Favourite Hybrid exercise? Froggies :-)

Exercise your not so fond of?
Not a big fan of grinders

What changes in your health, physique and performance have you observed since starting at Hybrid? I have noticed more energy, more endurance, my mental clarity has improved also.
Tell us something no one knows about you or people would be surprised to know about you?
I am extremely scared of heights, even step ladders can be a challenge for me.

What is your favourite music to workout too?
John Butler, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Black Eyed Peas just to mane a few.

Which Hybrid member inspires you most and why?
All the Hybrid family (members) inspire me, but a standout is Jen Harley. Jen is truely inspirational. Her positive attitude and balanced outlook to life is very motivational.

Proudest accomplishment thus far at Hybrid?
Climbing to the top of the rope! (NB question 7)
What are your goals for 2012? 
I have accomplished a few already, trip to Europe, City to Surf and now I am excited (anxious) about Tough Mudder.

One word to describe you?

One word to describe Hybrid?

Who would have guessed Chrissy is worried about heights, she scales the rope like a demon. I guess we know why she is so good on the rope now, Up and down really quick so the experience is a short one. Chrissy is a member we can all learn from, here commitment and determination in the gym is up there with the best of them. She comes with purpose every time and the results speak for themselves. A great all rounder who is HYBRID fit.