Day 4 TT12 - ab challenge

It's Friday!!!! Yippee it's the weekend!! We've got the music blaring, kids are dancing, everyone is in a happy mood. Listening to a dance track version of Gypsy Woman (she's homeless) I love ALL the versions of this song even the recent one by Sam Sparrow. Brings back sooo many good memories!

Tonight has that vibe, the feeling (when we had no kids) of getting ready to go out for an all nighter :-) Ohhhhh how I miss those days.....well kinda....sorta.....well no actually! Don't get me wrong, I'd be there in a heart beat but the morning after??? Um yeah! 4 kids and sleep ins are G.O.N.E! Besides I've had enough ALL NIGHTERS to last me a lifetime. Gosh! I had some great nights, and those reading this that have been there with know what I am talking about!!! Rocking it! Rockstar Style! Whoosh!

Today was a fun filled day with plenty of beautiful faces. My lovely, glowing and soon to be Mother of 2, next door neighbour and her sweet little girl came over for some morning tea. Then my fabulous friend Celeste came to borrow the almighty KitchenAid for her attempt to make the best castle cake you will ever see. It will beat Donna Hay's hands down!! I have faith! Happy Birthday to Milla on Sunday x

Berry porridge delight

Cook oats per packet instructions, with favourite dairy or nut milk & swirl in frozen berries :-)

Morning tea
Banana, walnut and date bread (inspired by Teresa Cutter)

The original recipe is found here however I always put a twist to things. I didn't add the honey, instead I blended the dates with the oil, added chia seeds, walnuts and just blended all the wet ingredients then folded into the dry. A really really moist and flavoursome banana bread and super supportive jam packed with potassium, minerals, protein and of course the good monounsaturated fats. 

I also add 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder just for that added protein factor. For your exclusive 10% discount, use my promo code on the right hand side banner.

I also mixed 1/2 cup of wholemeal flour with 1 1/2 almond meal
I served with a dollop of ricotta cheese with cinnamon sprinkled onto. 

The dates added such a lovely purple/blackcurrant colour along with the chia seeds specs!

Salami salad sandwich

Afternoon tea
Fruit platter (1 cup)
Cheese wholemeal toasted sandwiches (1/2 sandwich)
Cheese and spinach pie (2 small pieces)

This pie is made with filo pastry, olive oil, ricotta & feta cheese, spinach, eggs and sour cream

Another wonderful friend came over with her beautiful 2 girls for a play this afternoon. Both girls will be going to school with Oscar and Kinda with Mietta. It was a lovely to catch up with them also.

Minestrone soup

No workout today ~ day of rest which reminds me, I seriously need to be in bed by 10:30pm tonight. I have another 2 hours to zip around and give the place a quick tidy before I hit the hay.

All in all a great day, a bit of planking today to go towards this FYM TT12 challenge and feeling a little muscle awareness from bootcamp last night.

How are workouts coming along your way? Let me know your thoughts on the KCC workout. Have a FABULOUS FRIDAY my beautiful people. Goodnight.

Xx Dani