Getting to Know.......

We have started a new feature here where we will get to know our members a little better. If you attend Hybrid already you would have notice a big significance put on community and encouragement. This is what we want at Hybrid, a gym that is also like family and a second home.

It is only fitting that the first person profiled is our member 001. I first met 001 back in early 2009 when he and another member started attending some of my sessions at South Gym. When I ended up going out on my own midway through "09"001 was there for the first class and he is still going strong today. We all enjoy this person company and we are blessed to have him at Hybrid.

The first ever Getting to Know is............................................................................................................

Getting to Know Peter Harvison aka "The Hitman"

How did you discover Hybrid?
Through meeting Shaun at South Grafton Gym, Starting at Functional Habits with him and then to Hybrid.

What were your thoughts after your first class at Hybrid?
That was good.

Favourite Hybrid Class?

Favourite Hybrid exercise?

Exercise your not so fond of?
Wall sits

What changes in your health, physique and performance have you observed since starting at Hybrid?
Drop in clothes size

Tell us something no one knows about you or people would be surprised to know about you?
I am a collector. I have 5 China cabinets full of antiques (like myself) and collectbles and could use another

What is your favourite music to workout too?
Kings of Leon

Which Hybrid member inspires you most and why?
Shaun, because of his passion to improve his fitness, my fitness and your fitness.

Proudest accomplishment thus far at Hybrid?
Completing an 8km Run at Junction Hill. Took me an hour but I did not stop to rest. (Note: this was achieved with absolutely no run specific training, just regular sessions at Hybrid)

What are your goals for 2012?
To be less stressed

One word to describe you?

One word to describe Hybrid?

Thanks Pete, you deserve to be the first one profiled, although you are a man of few words. Peter has come a long way and he is still continuing to improve in all areas of his fitness. HE is a pleasure to have around and we all get a kick out of his presence.