Day 5 TT12 - ab challenge

How is the weekend going my peeps?

I hope you are enjoying it!!! We are having a great time. Plenty of kids weekend activities and seen as I missed out on my morning run this morning, I will venture out later....can't wait. Didn't think I would miss it this much. It's been a long time!!!! Yes, in fact it's been 2 whole weeks. I better start reconditioning my body to running again seen as my 6km fun run is a couple of months away.

Out for dinner tonight, so I'm pretty happy to change dining environments from time to time :-)

Strawberry and kiwi quinoa (splash of milk added after picture taken)

Workout today *** FYM August WOM A, interval & TT12 training completed ***

This would be one of the toughest workouts I have done in a while, you know you're body is burning fat when you're sweat is beading in all the wrong places!!! Sorry I had to share! The fat is just melting away with this Fit Yummy Mummy system and I LOVE IT!!! There's a quote out there that refers to sweat as being the tears from fat, what a classic! I've never made anyone cry (ok maybe my Mum but hey that's what kids do, right?) but I'm going to make you cry fat, until there is no more tears left. You hear me!??

Morning snack
yogurt with nuts & fruit

Scrambled eggs
wholemeal puffed rice squares

6 eggs
handful of spinach
piece of feta
1 tomato
crushed garlic clove
splash of milk


1. Heat frying pan and spray with olive oil, sauté spinach and tomatoes with garlic
2. Light whisk eggs, add S&P
3. Pour into pan and crumble feta
4. With wooden spoon gently scrape eggs from edge of pan into centre until cooked to your liking

Serve with crusty bread. We went down the gluten free track and had wholemeal rice crackers and spread some avocado on them. Yum!

Afternoon snack
Hummus with veggie sticks

Home made pizza's & custard

Sweet custard (no added sugar)

A very luscious, ray of golden sunshine, this supportive custard uses no sugar and is simply so creamy and light! The amazing Teresa does it again with her amazing custard recipe;

500 ml (2 cups /17 fl oz)  milk (see note)
2 whole free range/organic eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla bean extract
2 tablespoons organic maple syrup or 1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoons cornflour or kudzu
pinch nutmeg
Heat milk in a saucepan with vanilla and honey and bring to almost boiling point, then remove from the heat.
Beat the eggs and cornflour in a stainless steel mixing bowl until combined.
Pour the hot milk over the eggs and whisk in well.
Pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan and cook over a gentle heat, stirring with a wooden spoon until it thickens and coats the back of the spoon.
Remove from the heat quickly and pour back into the  mixing bowl.
Whisk well to cool a little and smooth it out.  If you see any lumps then strain through a sieve.
Serve hot or cold and enjoy. Serves 6

With a sugar free shortbread cookie of course! ;-)

Oh yeah..... I keep forgetting to mention that I drink at least 2 litres (33.8fl oz) of water per day. This is one of the tools to our fat loss especially during our ab challenge. Water! Water! Water!

What's your daily water intake? Have a wonderful Saturday night and see you again tomorrow!

Xx Dani