Getting to Know...............

This weeks getting to know is...................................................... Lee Taylor.
If I could describe Lee in one word I would say she is tenacious. As a fitness professional she provided me with one of the most memorable efforts I have witnessed. In TeamFit earlier this year we had a beep test throwdown which included hitting the deck at 1 end. Lee's team was doing it tough and dropping off quick. Lee looked absolutely buggered and everyone was expecting her to drop out any second. How wrong were we, Lee just kept going and going and going as everyone else slowly dropped off, she looked completely exhausted, however she would not give in and in the end it was only the superfit Lisa that held her off. Everyone (and I mean everyone) was amazed and inspired by the effort. Truely amazing. Since this time we all know anything that is thrown at Lee she is going to get done, the latest being Sundays August Angst, 4 hours of training in preparation for Tough Mudder. I feel so lucky to have someone like Lee with us at Hybrid.

Lee...Always tenacious, always gets through whatever is thrown her way.

How did you discover Hybrid?
I was invited by a work colleague to attend what I though was a Fighting Fit class. Little did I know that it was a Crossfit class. My friend did not turn up but all the other girls there and Shaun encouraged me to give it a go anyway. I am so glad I did.

What were your thoughts after your first class at Hybrid?
I thought it was pretty good although I went home threw up and could not hardly move for a few days afterward. I made a promise to myself never to be so unfit ever again.

Favourite Hybrid Class?

Favourite Hybrid exercise? 
Kettlebell exercises and sit-ups

Exercise your not so fond of?
Side Planks - I shake too much

What changes in your health, physique and performance have you observed since starting at Hybrid? I have loads more energy, feel a lot fitter and always look forward to the next class. My clothes are starting to get bigger .....or I am strating to trim down. I am more concerned about what I eat too.

Tell us something no one knows about you or people would be surprised to know about you?
I really like patchwork quilting and attend classes every Wednesday. I have also won a 1st prize for a Queen sized quilt at The Grafton Show.

What is your favourite music to workout too?
Hybrid has a great range - most time I don't hear the music yet.

Which Hybrid member inspires you most and why?
Lisa Greedy - she is a real inspiration. She works really hard and is very encouraging to all the members of the class. Thanks Lisa.

Proudest accomplishment thus far at Hybrid?
I could actually jump onto the red box with both feet at the same time the other day. I was really surprised and happy with that.

What are your goals for 2012? 
Run in a Fun Run with the ability to do it. Complete 20 full strict push-ups, and live a healthier life.

One word to describe you?

One word to describe Hybrid?

So there you have it from the words of Lee's mouth. Lee is an extraordinary person and we are so proud that on the first day she turned up she decided to stay and do the class and has been with us since.