Green and Gold!!!! Olympic spirit

Just thought I would cook up some green and gold this morning for breakfast to support our Aussies over in London, hoping the smell of these omelette wraps gets them some more GOLD!!!!

Spinach omelete oat wraps

Whisk 4 eggs, add a splash of water (this breaks up the protein) add S&P and cook in fry pan with some olive oil. Chop up a cup of spinach and add to the mix. I used Mountain flat oat bread and the kids smashed these this morning. Very tasty with only 2 simple ingredients.

I also had my famous porridge on the go as well, bubbling golden oats with pears, cinnamon and vanilla. YUM!!! I make a big batch which also serves as my snacks on the go if I blitz it with spinach, protein powder and milk etc....It is mainly for Zali as she is not a huge fan of eggs, any which way I cook them. She just smells them and turns her head around. She's a classic!

Morning snack
Yogurt with frozen berries

Chickpea vegetable salad

Still trying to go with the green and gold theme....also attempted it with the fruit platter design but didn't get the kiwi and oranges close enough :-) ha ha

Afternoon snack
Fruit platter with Choc muffins (no sugar of course)

Celeste came over with her crew this afternoon and we celebrated Noah's birthday a week earlier with these supportive muffins. Very nice, especially with the frosting :-) Thanks so much!!!

Minestrone soup

Below are the ingredients I had today and I typically just put whatever produce I have in my minestrone soup and it varies all the time. I have smoked bacon bones pictured here and below I have Mietta washing soup bones, which was added in addition to the bacon bones however next time I am just sticking to the smokey bacon bones or better still, bacon rashers!!!!

Dice up all ingredients and fry until soft, add bones (I then took out the veggies as I really wanted to cook the soup bones and get the smokey flavour off the bacon bones onto them, if that makes sense). Once all browned and cooked, add veggies back in, top with water and beans. Cook for 30mins and add whatever pasta you wish 10 mins before serving.

I hope everyone is having sensational week, mine has just flown!! I have taken this week off from any workouts but plan to get back into the groove next week and then the following exploring the ab region to see what happens when you focus on a particular part of your body for 12 days. I have been eating relatively clean, besides the block of chocolate on Tuesday night!!! Ahh-heemmm!!!

Some of you have already expressed interest to join me in an ab challenge, so lets explore our options. For those that are part of the FYM community we will have all the tools required however for those readers that do not wish to go down that path, I will have some other options for you unless you have some of your own??

Until we meet again, may your day continue to be fabulous!!! XxDani