Latest research continues to support the need and benefits of physical activity and exercise. Recent research from Boston University has found that a lack of physical activity was responsible for 5.3 million of the 57 million deaths globally in 2008. The researchers state that the burden of physical inactivity shorten life expectancy just as much as tabacoo smoking does.
The study also shows that inactivity causes up to 11% of Australian cases for heart disease, breast cancer, colon cancer and type 2 diabetes. The researchers are quoted as saying that inactivity is a greater health threat than obesity. So does this mean people with a good BMI rating are at risk if they don't exercise? The answer is yes. Activity is vital for good health and helps increase life expectancy as well as making daily life easier.
Now here is the kicker to the findings, inactivity is classed as less than 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. This would put many people who consider themselves to be active in the inactive category meaning their life expectancy is being shortened and they are at an increased risk of lifestyle diseases.
If you want to enjoy life and live longer get active. Come get some physical activity at Hybrid.