Which Diets really Work

Diets, Diets, Diets, everywhere we look we are getting bombarded by ads, articles, and people promoting the next great thing in diets and weight loss. The real truth is this, if you cut the bullshit you will find that all diets work. Yep you read right, all diets work, regardless of what it is, whether its the smoothie diet, velocity diet, atkins diet, detox diet, cabbage soup, zone, paleo, weightwatchers etc they will all work. It's this simple, if calorie expenditure is higher then calorie intake you will lose weight. If you have ever tried a diet ask yourself this, did you see short term results, say up to 6 weeks normally regardless of what the diet actually was? Your answer is most likely yes. Heck I could give you an all chocolate diet and get you to loss weight as long as I restricted the calorie intake so it did not exceed calorie expenditure.

Now ask yourself another question, what normally happens to this diet after the initial period? Lets say it's 6 weeks again, you either quit or the weight stops coming off, and you slowly return to your old eating habits. Its ok if the answer to this is yes, most people are in this boat.

See any diet will work, but most diets are not good for you, many diets are unhealthy, many diets will leave you vitamin and mineral deficient and malnourished. Diets will even make you skinny-fat, which will leave you looking smaller but in reality no fat has been lost, what you have lost will be muscle mass which is the single biggest mistake we can make when dieting.

So whats the answer when it comes to healthy eating and losing weight or maintaining healthy weight? Want to know more about skinny-fat. Check back to the blog soon to find out.