2012 - You still got your resolutuion? Desire or Commitment

It is a fact that 90% of New Year resolutions are broken within the first month of the year. High on the lists of resolutions are health or fitness ones. We have all probably had one at least in our lives. Did you have a resolution to get fitter, loss weight or do something health related? If you did then thats great, but be honest, have you committed to it? See the problem is that we make resolutions without commitment, talking is easy, actions are hard.

Also around this time of year is the marketing period where fitness centres and diet companies will market hard, they know its going to be easy money as people are making resolutions on a desire not on a commitment, they promise you that they can help you change and have great marketing strategies to get you in, take your money whilst knowing the statistic that you will most likely be done within the month.

At Hybrid we will market yes, (eventually) and promote our gym, but we will not promise you anything, think of the fitness and health ads promising, promising a new you, promising you to drop dress sizes, promising 2012 to be your year etc, etc,. We will not promise you anything as it is not our place to, us promising is not you making a commitment, you may read an ad have desire, sign up but with no commitment and you will fail and be wasting your money. Companies thrive on this, they want you to spend but then not commit so it becomes easy money for them. Sound fimiliar?

We are different as we are not bussiness people we are fitness people, we want you to make the promise, we want you to make the commitment, once you have done this then come and see us and we will do our best to help you reach your goal, reach what you have committed too.

Don't even get me started on the diet issue this time of year, I will blog about that in the next few days, truth is most of these diets a bullshit, there is a massive trend in our society now of skinny-fat people due to some of these ridiculous diets. Diet does help lose weight yes, but it may not improve our health at all, it may in fact be very detrimental. Many people diet and do not exercise, this is a mistake, studies are now showing exercise is the most important component in good health, check out this great (but long) video looking at the benefits of just 30 minutes of exercise a day gives us. After viewing this video and seeing the positive effects on our lives exercise will have make yourself a commitment then come see us.