Cardio, is it really delivering you the results you want?

Exercise is great, exercise is the number one tool to great health, but are you exercising correctly to gain maximum benefit? What if your exercise routine could even be detrimental? maybe it is even making you fatter!!!

Now this post is not aiming to bag anyone doing some form of exercise, power to you all for trying to to the right thing for a better quality of life, but unfortunately due to the fitness myths out there a large percentage of people are just getting exercise all wrong.

Consider this, we all know someone who religiously goes to their daily aerobic class, or goes on a 10km run or sits on a bike/crosstrainer at a gym for an hour but they never really make any progress and always seem soft in appearance even if they are at a healthy weight range. But why do they do it, well its easy they have been mis-informed, they have been a victim of fitness myths, and this is probably the greatest myth out there. It is a MYTH that LOW INTENSITY CARDIO IS GREAT FOR BURNING FAT AND GETTING YOU RIPPED.

That hour long aerobic class, or the jogging for an hour, 2 of the most popular training methods used in modern society are actually a waste of time for fat loss. Any form of cardio that forces your body to do the same repetitive movement over and over is not great for fat loss. When your muscles contract continuosly in the same movement pattern at low intensity over and over the body will become stubborn, your metabolism will slow up and you wuill stop burning fat as an energy source and start burning muscle, killing you of muscle mass and strength. LOSING MUSCLE MASS IS A MISTAKE TO BE AVOIDED!

The key to fat loss is through doing workouts and exercises that will stimulate your metabolism all day long, even for as long as 72 hours after a workout. Increased metabolism equals greater fat loss. High Intensity training will help increase the metabolism and is significantly better then low intensity cardio as it forces the body to keep burning fat and calories after you have stopped training.

At Hybrid we focus on high intensity training and resistance training that will stimulate your metabolism all day long. All the ladies out there not doing high intensity training using resistance really need to change their outlook on fitness training, stop reaching for the running shoes, and reach for some dumbells.

NOTE: yes I realise many people do not run for fat loss, they love the challenge, they are training for competition. This is great, all the best in your endeavours, but if you want to be a better runner then the above does apply to you too, everyone can gain significant benefits from high intensity training and you all should be trying to increase muscle mass, it will bring better performance and a better quality of life in general.

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