Skinny-Fat, What am I talking about?

I mentioned skinny-fat in the last post, which can be the result of incorrect weight loss methods. Basically skinny-fat is what happens when people go on ridiculous diets, their muscle mass wastes away, they look skinny but they are anything but healthy. They still have a high body fat percentage and probably a large amount of fat around their vital organs, and in general unhealthy. The only way to do correct weight loss is by lossing the right type of body composition, you wan't to maintain and even increase lean muscle mass and loss body fat. Your weight on a set of scales is meaningless, measurements, pictures and monitors of good health indicate a healthy you, not a small number on a scale. Correct weight loss is a change in fat-muscle body composition, a decrease in fat and increase in muscle. We need to eat good quality foods, plenty of proteins and good sources of fats, and undertake an exercise regime that encourages fat loss, an exercise routine that includes weights and high intensity interval training.

Check out this link to read more on Skinny-fat and why you need to avoid being skinny fat.