Taking that First Step

That first step is the hardest to take when commiting to change, but once taken anything is possible. With the new season of Biggest Loser coming up it will inspire people, I know there will be plenty of you who want to take that first step to take control of your life again but are uncertain. Maybe you have taken that step previously and failed and you're scared to take it again. If you have thats ok you are only ever defeated if you give up, failure on the way should be embraced and not avoided, without failure there is no success. Taking that first step could be in many aspects of your life, maybe its career related, maybe relationship, maybe health related, wahtever it is remember this, if you don't attempt it and continuing to attempt it you can never conquer it.

Now Hybrid Fitness is a gym, a health and fitness centre so the first steps are ones leading to getting strong and fit, they can often be the most daunting, you may have many fears, fears like coming to Hybrid will be too hard, it will be too painful, too intense, too male dominated, too unfimiliar and out of my comfort zone. You may also be worried that you may make a fool of yourself, you may look stupid, you will not keep up, etc, bu

So as you can see the first steps are the hardest, if you are thinking any of the above it would be tough to take those first steps. But stop now, erase those fears, consider what we are, at Hybrid we are just normal people, we love helping others and want to see everyone gain better health. We expect only one thing at Hybrid, you come in and do you best, our number one rule is no egos, if you cannot do something this is not a problem, it just allows us to grow and to improve, I guarentee others in the gym and classes will help and encourage you, you will feel empowered.

If you want to take that first step all I can say is take it, to many people want without commiting, take that first step to commitment no matter how daunting it is. Whats the worst that can happen, you may fail? We'll if you are not willing to fail in your life you will never take your first step in anything, failure breads success.

At Hybrid Fitness we can't make promises and we won't, its up to you to promise yourself then we can and will love to help. Too many gyms and trainers promise the World to their clients to get them to join, they talk the talk to get people in and in reality while these people have heard what they want to hear from a trainer they haven't committed, they have been impressed by what they have been told, they get excited but they don't truely commit, they don't truely take that first step.

As I said at Hybrid we do not make promises, that's up to you, but we can tell you this:
  • Everyone is on your side, (nothing gives us more pleasure than watching people overcome challenges and succeed)
  • It can be scary, but remember it is the first steps to a new you
  • Within a very short space of time you will achieve things you never believed you were capable of
  • Remember – it’s FUN, we have a rule of no egos, we are all equals and treated that way.
Good luck with taking that first step, stop conteplating and just do it. Get amongst it, and be amazed at what you may truely be able to achieve.
Kate and Pete both have achieved truely amazing things since taking that FIRST STEP and its been awesome to be involved since they made this commitment to themselves.