Week 2 of TC and menu planner

Hello to all you beautiful people! It's been an amazing day and I thought I would bring you our meals
for the week and what I have planned for my 2nd week into my 6 week transformation challenge.

NEW GOALS for this week....

Increase my fruit and vegetables to 10 servings per day

What is a typical serve?

Vegetables ~ One serve is around 75grams
1/2 cup cooked vegetables (broccoli, beans, peas etc..)
1 tomato
1 cup salad (super star spinach)

Fruit ~ One serve is around 150 grams
1 medium apple, banana, orange or pear
2 kiwifruit, apricots
1-2 tbs sultanas
4 dried apricots

I know you already know how fabulous fruit and vegetables are here's just a guide on how to help you increase yours per day:

1). Pump your breakfast eg: make a vegetable omelete, add fruit to your cereal or on the side
2). Start a meal with soup or salad
3). Double your normal vegetable serving
4). Try roasting your vegetables, they taste amazing!!!
5). Pre wash and cut your fruit & veg for quick handy snacks on the go

No workout today but scheduling my Fit Yummy Mummy workout tomorrow. I did plenty of house work to get my blood pumping tho ;-)

LSA mix with yogurt and fruit (did splash more milk)

Morning snack
yogurt with fruit

Meatballs with grilled eggplant & rice

Afternoon snack
Corn thins with avocado, tomato, cucumbers and cottage cheese sprinkled with paprika

Coconut curry prawns with rice (swapped around, tuna rissoles 2mrw)

Please feel free to google this recipe as I have just mixed whatever ingredients I had and guestimated my measurements which is A LOT OF the times when I cook!!! I apologise for not having the right measurements. I did take pictures though! This is also another reason why I started blogging to get me to right down my recipes :-)

Green prawns, Olive oil, fennel powder or seeds, curry & kaffir leaves, onion, garlic, ginger, curry powder, chilli, paprika, coconut milk, 1tsp ground rice with a splash of coconut, stick of cinnamon , juice of 1 lemon and season with salt.

Gently fry the fennel, curry and kaffir leaves until golden. Add the onion, garlic and ginger and stir to cook evenly. Add curry powder, chilli, paprika and fry for 1 minute. Stir in coconut milk, ground rice, cinnamon, lemon juice and add salt to taste. Allow to simmer covered for 15 minutes, stirring as required and adding extra coconut milk if it becomes too thick. Add prawns, stir well and cook for a further 10 mins. Serve with rice!

Looking forward to another great week and thanks so much for stopping by xx Dani