Going bananas!!! Pancake bananas with no sugar

Hello everyone, I am having some real IT issues and I even managed to remove my "food" tab underneath my header with all my Sugar Challenge info for us next week. I will get this all up and running for us this weekend. In the meantime please prepare your pantry, kitchen and any other nooks you may have that may contain food with ANY added sugar :) grab a spare carton box and pack them away!!!

I need to stress that you need to remove any temptation and be prepared with healthy snacks to combat any sugar cravings. We are all in the same boat so please share how you are managing this sugar free journey!!

Today was a day of rest, no workout.

LSA porridge with banana and raspberries

The kids love their new porridge as well!!!

Morning & afternoon snacks (I packed these for my 2hr return snacks in the car)
Apple and chickpeas
Banana and walnuts

Met with a long life pal for lunch and I ordered a chicken salad

Changed the lasagna dish (might do that 2mrw night) to a Green veg lentil soup served with home made garlic bread. Inspired by a similar green vegetable soup by Teresa.

Grilled wholemeal buns rubbed with olive oil and crushed garlic seasoned with salt

Evening snack
Banana pancakes with yogurt, raspberries and walnuts

My gorgeous friend Amber gave me her recipe of banana pancakes. Simply blend 1 egg with 1 mashed banana and whalla!! Of course add your favourite spices, in this case cinnamon and vanilla bean and you get these divine (delicate, so gently flip them over) golden circles of sunshine...

So for my fellow sugar free peeps joining me on our 2 week challenge next week, its not going to be that hard is it!!! No sugar here!!! And we're allowed 4 servings of fruit so this will curb our sweet cravings for sure!!! ;-)))

Goodnight until we meet again xXdani