Contact Sports - The original Crossfitters?

The following article is an observation I have made in regards to crossfit and programming for crossfit. The observation I have come to is that the pure crossfit method is not the most effective training method about. Nothing new I know, this debate has been going for a while. To support my observation is thousand of crossfit affiliates around the World, the affiliates that have gone away from the traditional programming of random strength, cardio, gymnastic modalities mashed all in together. What we see now is an approach were strength work and metabolic conditioning are done separately as doing traditional crossfit will give you insufficient or poor strength returns. To be strong you need to prescribe to a succint and purposeful strength program. Crossfit has evolved into something that contact sports have been doing for decades, strength and conditioning sessions that are individual of each other. For instance in Australia our Rugby League players have traditionally performed a strength session during one part of the day and then a conditioning session later on. Contact sports have understood that maximal strength is the number 1 component of fitness, Boxing, AFL, Gridiron, Ice Hockey, Rugby Union, Wrestling, MMA etc. all have an individual strength component to their fitness programs.

So my point is this, yes metabolic conditioning that is sensibly prescribed is beneficial, random (but again sensible) conditioning is beneficial, combining strength and metabolic conditioning is great for conditioning but lacking in making you stronger. Your program should have a carefully prescribed strength component that will increas maximal strength even if you are cyclist or long distance runner that is only looking for strength endurance.


Ray Price, a fitness pioneer?