Pantry surprise!

Hello everyone, how is your weekend going? We're fabbo here besides this head cold but we'll get through it!

Okay....1 week down and 5 to go with my Transformation Challenge. So far so good. I managed to fit in all my 4 workouts (including one today) and eat clean 90% of the time.

Yesterday we went to visit my Mum. Pictured below are her meals we had for lunch and afternoon snack.

Saturday 23rd June 2012

Pre run 
Banana mixed with porridge & milk - 1 cup (may have been the cause of my stitch, next time just toast & jam I think)

Finished the rest of the banana porridge
1 piece of wholemeal toast with peanut butter
1 latte

Morning snack
1 apple
handful of pecan nuts (on our drive to Melbourne)

Chicken soup with "knedle" semolina dumplings

Told you we used a lot of semolina in our meals ;-) the way Mum makes these is she beats up some eggs with S&P and puts semolina in it until it's a thickish consistency eg: enough to scoop in a table spoon & place them carefully in the simmering soup. So yummy!! They're my favourite.

We then had a serving of potato & carrot mash with chicken and mushrooms

Afternoon snack
Feta pastry pie AKA "gibanica"

Mum is a little embarrassed by her whole food styling but assures you all it all tastes wonderful. And it did. I was really proud of Mum with the feta pie as she typically loads it up with olive oil and as you can see by the crust, there is no glistening oil dripping. So my clean eating is slowly rubbing off on her!
I will make this dish one day and give you the recipe otherwise feel free to google it. It's kinda like our quiches but the pastry is made really thin AKA filo pastry and you just layer your preferred toppings.

I also wanted to show you what I meant by our pantry weekend surprise meals. We either eat left overs from my cooking during the week or open the pantry doors and pick out whatever we have in there and I just cook.

Tandoori chicken rice salad

As you know we had tandoori chicken throughout the week and I kept an extra breast fillet marinading for our dinner. Simply placed it under the griller, sliced it up, steamed some rice, added 1 small corn kernels and 1 cup of steamed peas. Whalla! I love that word, don't I? I mixed it all together, chopped up some freshly picked parsley and mint leaves, squeezed an entire lemon added S&P and that's all it needed. It tasted so good and so fresh! Serve with natural greek yogurt and garnish with mint.

Dessert/junk food night

I was watching Pretty Woman last night (I love it!!!) and picked the wrong munchies in the pantry!!! I ended up having a few squares of the new cadbury chocolate celebrations jelly popping candy with half a packet of potato chips!!! OOPS! Well our bodies do need a bit of junk and sugar from time to time. As long as my old habit doesn't resurface as this was our evening snack every night!!!!


Oats pancakes with caramelised bananas, yogurt, walnuts, kiwi fruit sprinkled with cocoa

Okay so there is no sugar in these but doesn't it all look nice and sweet? I simply blend my oats, mix eggs & egg whites, vanilla essence, lemon rind and get the right consistency. I add a banana to the frypan and allow it's natural sugars to caramelise. Top it with some yogurt, walnuts and kiwi fruit and you have yourself one amazing "guilt free" pancake breakfast.
I do make my own traditionally ones but only when the kids get sick of this version ;-)

Morning snack
Power veg & fruit juice (freshly squeezed apple, celery, carrot, cauliflower & cucumber)

French toast with mushrooms

Wholemeal bread dipped in feta and egg mixture (I used to fry these) I now place them under the grill and sauteed leeks with mushrooms and olive oil. I also make mini french toast canapes for the kids as it's more fun for them like that!

Afternoon snack
Yogurt with fruit

Spinach and parmesan gnocchi with bolognese sauce

I look forward to sharing Week 2 of my Transformation Challenge and hope you won't be too shy to leave me some comments this week. Happy Sunday!! XxDani