2 Week Sugar Challenge update

Hi there, I know some of you are real keen in joining me next week and I am so grateful so I thought of making up 2 teams. Let me know your thoughts as we have a few that have already given up majority of the sweeter things in life ;-) and others try to limit their sugar intake.

*Come back to this post regularly and add your comments. I will then collate all your info and suggestions to make our official sugar free post for next week with helpful tips to avoid sugar and what to replace when we need our sugar hit*

Team One ~ Fruits of life
No sugar whatsoever includes honey, agave and other sweeteners. Fruit is allowed.

Team Two ~ Sugar-less babes
Allowed one sugar serve per day eg: in their coffee or honey, maple syrup in their yogurt or cereal toppings. Avoid both daily.

I guess our aim is to limit or give up sugar completely over the next 2 weeks. It's hard! Trust me, I haven't been able to do it 100% but it is also doable. If we fail we just get back into the no sugar zone. It's based on a honesty system, so if you're cheating you're only doing it to yourself.

Which team are you going to join? Also are you in for 1 week or 2 weeks?? XxDani