I'm planning a sugar free challenge. You in??

Hi there, when I participate in these Fit Yummy Mummy challenges throughout the year I also like to do a mini "sugar free" challenge.

I plan on quitting sugar next week! For 2 whole weeks!!! Who's with me???

Now the rules are typically no foods that have added sugar of any kind. It did include limiting your fruit intake to 3 serves per day, maple syrup, honey, agave etc... however for those that are doing this for the first time it may be a little too much! Yes I am referring to you Celeste ;-) kidding babe but I do know there are others that would like to join me so please mark this date in your diaries:


Monday 2nd July to Sunday 15th July 2012 (14 days)

Now I will also accept those girlfriends that only wish to participate for a week. That would be a great effort as well. 

I will provide more info in my posts this week so we are all on the same page. 

My meals and workout today.

Sultana bran with milk

Pre workout
apple puree

This morning I did a workout from the Transformation Kit and sheesh, do I have muscle awareness! I am so glad I only need to workout for 15 minutes in the comfort of my own home.

Post workout shake
Green smoothie (remember I'm adding 10 servings of fruit & veg in my day!)
spinach, banana, milk & protein powder. Added vanilla essence and cinnamon.

I just blitzed all these ingrediants in my magic bullet (mine is actually called a Sheffield, reminds me of that show The Nanny" and her whiny voice Mr Sheeeeeeeeeeeffieeeeeeeeld!) 

Why spinach I hear you asking?? Do you remember this guy???

Well spinach is well known as the superfood that gave Popeye the Sailor Man his bulging muscles. The content of spinach was originally thought the iron power food source however scientists have learned that nitrates are the true energy boosting ingredients in all vegetables. So eat your vegetables!!!

Top 10 reasons to eat spinach

  1. low calories and it's a very nutrient-dence food 
  2. great source of protein, vitamin K, folate, calcium, vitamin C, B2, potassium etc..
  3. it's readily available, grab a bunch or bag from your fresh food market!
  4. very versatile eg: my green smoothie, use fresh in salads, steam as a side serve
  5. a hearty health food
  6. loaded with flavonoids which act as antioxidants 
  7. keeps your brain young and agile
  8. promotes gastrointestinal health
  9. excellent source of iron 
  10. it gives you muscles like Popeye :-)
Falafel, tomato & cucumber salad with yogurt

Afternoon snack
hard boiled egg with veggie sticks with hommus 

Tuna rissoles (will add picture tonight)

Have a wonderful day and please leave me a comment regarding the Sugar Challenge. Do you want to do 1 or 2 weeks with me?? XxDani