Hybrid - dont judge a book by its cover

This post comes in response to a persons recent observations and comments after visiting Hybrid for the first time. Now, first off I want to say that I don't know this person and this post is no way having a go at this person, they are more than like an outstanbding citizen but it was interesting in what they had to say.

After looking through the gym the following questions, statements  and observations were made, Do you have air conditioning going when classes are on? It doesn't look like a gym, why don't you have any TV's to watch whilst working out? It looks a bit dirty, like a boys gym? and are you going to get more machines in?

From these statements, and questions it is clear to see that this persons idea of what a gym should be is vastly different to what Hybrid is. I guess they view the ideal gym as something that is full of machines that have big screen TVs. I guess they love "working out" whilst watching TV in air conditioning. Now they came to Hybrid through word of mouth, they came because of the results they had seen in others but they still wanted a gym where they had been going and weren't getting results. My response to each question is below:

Do you have air conditioning? No and we aint ever getting air conditioning. Seriously we are here to train, get uncomfortable and people want air conditioning. If your training isn't making you uncomfortable then good chance it isnt doing much for you at all. Heck we should embrace some of the hot days, professional sporting clubs go out of their way to install heat chambers at their training centres to help players have a quicker physiological response.

It doesn't look like a Gym: Most peoples conception of a gym is a place that's packed with state of the art equipment, weight machines, treadmills etc. and nice furnishings. Training should be about movement and increasing function of the body, machines simply are not the best method for achieving this, machines have the body follow a pre-determined path. So my response..simple, Hybrid is exactly what a gym should look like because we know about human movement and how to be in supreme physical condition.

Why don't you have any TV's: Easy response...... watching TV has got you where? Exactly!!! However I have wanted to place a screen in Hybrid that runs instructional DVD's on lifitng and exercise to help people pick up some tips.

It looks dirty, like a boys gym: Yes the walls are dirty and yes they should be as a wall is a useful and purposeful training tool. In response to it looks like a boys gym I think the point trying to be made is it looks like a garage gym. Hybrid is not a boys gym, we have more women attend then men, it looks this way as this is the way it should look, this place is set up to deliver results not to take peoples money and have them training in vain.

Will you be getting more machines? Yes I am sure we will be. Each time a new person walks in the door we have a new machine. Your body is the best bit of gym machinery you will ever have.

There you have it. It seems many people see Hybrid as different to other gyms. Well we are glad about that, we don't want to be the same, what we do want to be is a leader in helping people achieve optimal health, fitness and performance. Hybrid.......come get some.