Day 9 - no added sugar

Hello everyone and happy Saturday to you!!!

I did my resistance training earlier this morning and absolutely love the fact that I can do this at home and usually within 15 minutes! What's your favourite resistance training? To follow the program I do, simply click on this link and download the ebook as I have been able to maintain my body for the last 5 years using this Fit Yummy Mummy fat loss system. It just works!

My favourite post workout drink is (as you all know) 180 Nutrition and I love the fact that it comes in 2 natural flavours with no added sugar of course! It has stevia as a sweetener and I use the coconut natural flavour when mixing up my green smoothies and the chocolate natural flavour when I am craving something sweet.

This went down a treat today!!!! How you coping with no sugar after 9 WHOLE DAYS???? I am starting to get some chocolate cravings!! Must research dark chocolate with no added sugar :-) or simply stick to my protein powder of choice to save the day!!!

Which reminds me, I will be posting later tonight about my exclusive offer. I am super excited to have this available to you all!!!! Watch this space................but here's a little clue;

I also managed to go for a run but can officially say I will be hanging up my running shoes (not that I have been a huge runner as I only started last June/July) however due to my lower back issues and ongoing stitches my rehab doctor has advised I stick to my resistance and core strength training and not over exert my body with high impact exercise eg: running. I need to listen to my body and apologies to my girlfriends that are doing the fun run in Melbourne next month, I will be there in spirit!!!


Our food today.......

Home made muesli

No added sugar home made muesli

I simply mix together whatever ingredients I have in the pantry and this morning made a batch with;

rolled oats
fruit & nut mix
shredded coconut
chia seeds
pumpkin & sunflower seeds

You can have this with your preferred milk or even with yogurt as a snack.

Morning snack
180 Nutrition chocolate post workout shake
1 banana

Chicken salad with spinach, cherry tomatoes, grated carrot and feta cheese
Squeeze of lemon juice and drizzle olive oil and add S&P to taste

Afternoon snack
Peanut butter sandwiches with grated apples and cinnamon

Oven baked chicken tomato basil with sweet ribbon potato chips & salad

Oven baked tomato and basil chicken

Method: Wash chicken pieces thoroughly and rub tomato passata sauce (no added sugar of course) minced garlic, basil and season with S&P. Coat generously and oven bake until cooked. Clean and peel sweet potato and use your peeler to make ribbon pieces, toss in olive oil (I sometimes sprinkle cinnamon) and also oven bake with the chicken.

This is a quick cheat meal for me as the oven pretty much does all the work. What are some of your low maintenance healthy meals?

I am wanting to do a post on converting the not so healthy meals into clean eating meals. Please share some of your classic dinners that are NOT SO healthy so I can try and convert them into healthy dinner meals!

Until we meet again, much love

Xx Dani