Day 5 - no added sugar challenge

Hey there, how are you doing without sugar now that we hit the day 5 mark? Headaches? Agitated? Or feeling great and going great guns? All is well here and I am loving the fact our kids are embracing this challenge! Noah is even wanting to do this forever, he said;

"This challenge shouldn't be for 14 days Mum, this should be the way we eat forever!"

Bless his heart and I love him so very much. He is my rock. Everyone here is doing exceptionally well. Having said that Oscar (just started Prep) apologised yesterday for eating a muffin to celebrate his class mates birthday! I told him, it's okay and that he didn't need to apologise. Thanked him for telling me and then told him "BUT NEVER DO THAT AGAIN, ALRIGHT!!!!!" Juzzzzz kidding! I love how honest our children are with us, I really do hope this continues throughout their teenage years because I know, I was a shocker!!!!!

Didn't manage a workout today but busy running around with the kids today and some swimming got my heart rate pumping!

Vitamin D

We also got a chance to lay in the sun for a moment. Do you get enough Vitamin D? Even though Vitamin D isn't really a vitamin, it's more of a hormone. Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and muscles. Without Vitamin D our bodies cannot effectively absorb calcium, which is essential to good bone health. That's why my Mum goes back to Serbia for the summer to warm up her bones and ease her arthritic pain. Get your Vitamin D today and the best way to do that is to eat fish! Vitamin D is rarely found in our natural foods and is typically added to milk, cereals and eggs (if the chicken was fed the vitamin).

Quinoa smoothie with banana and raspberries
180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
1/2 cup fresh raspberries (you can use frozen)
1 cup of milk
2tbs yogurt
1/2 cup of cooked quinoa

Breakfast smoothie

1 apple and handful of almonds

Vegetable beef muffins

1 apple sliced with peanut butter and cinnamon sprinkled

Turkey chicken burgers served with salad

Healthy burgers

I try to add as many vegetables to our meat and with our heat today, the kids just had them in bread. I was happy they had all their nutrients in the one burger!

Mince of your choice
grated celery and carrot
Chopped parsley and mint
2 eggs

Mix all ingredients together and make into burgers. Allow to chill for 10 minutes and then oven bake until cooked.

See! I try to make my life as easy as possible (and yours I hope), I was supervising all our kids beside the pool deck, so what better way to cook than the oven doing all the work!

I hope you had a great day today and thank you all for your lovely comments here, FB and Instagram. BTW those of you that have bought her book, how are you finding Sarah Wilson I QUIT SUGAR ebook? How divine are the recipes? Would love your feedback.

Thanks for posting your comments daily and look forward to reading how your days have been going without added sugar!
Xx Dani
PS: Look who else has no added sugar :-)

David Beckham has no added sugar