Day 2 - no added sugar challenge

How amazing is this challenge??

THANK YOU foremost for taking the time to come visit and read my blog every day. Truly. Thank you.

It's so amazing to see so many of you take charge and embrace this challenge with me (along with @tonnedtannedandfit  and @littlemissnutrition who are also collaborating with me in IG land). It never ceases to amaze me all the wonderful comments I receive daily. If I ever miss them (particularly on Instagram as it only gives me the last 2 minutes feed) please ensure you leave a comment on my blog as I have more control of viewing comments and responding here to you.

So what's news pussy cat??? For those that don't know already.....

Our challenge was featured in the amazing Move, Nourish and Believe blog!!!! This is a dream come true!!! One of Australia's most recognisable active wear and fitness-inpsired brand names Lorna Jane and @lornajaneactive team are participating and supporting our no added sugar challenge this month!!!

What I ate today.....

Scrambled eggs (2 eggs) with spinach, tomato and spring onions

Skin refresher juice (I use a HUROM juice extractor)
1 cucumber
1 red delicious apple
6 sprigs of mint
1 handful of parsley

(thanks to beautiful @chaudsjuicetherapy for posting this and supporting our no added sugar challenge, please go and like her Facebook and Instagram page)

Tuna vegetable salad

1 pear with 1.5tsp peanut butter & sprinkled cinnamon 

Beef quinoa soup with vegetables

Quinoa vegetable beef soup

I make things pretty quick and relatively easy for myself so this is what is cooking in our kitchen this afternoon.

1 onion finely diced
2 garlic crushed
500g beef strips (you can use whatever meat/poultry you like)
1/2 cauliflower head
1 carrot julienne sliced
1 brocolli head
1/2 red and green capsicum (AKA bell pepper) finely diced
1ltr beef stock (or however much soupy you like, add more water)
handful of chopped coriander
1 cup of cooked quinoa

Quinoa vegetable and beef soup

1). In a large pot sauté onions, add garlic, carrots, capsicums and lightly cook until golden.
2). Add beef and continue cooking.
3). In the mean time cook quinoa as per packet instructions
4). Once everything is cooked, add broccoli and cauliflower, beef stock and simmer until cooked.

I am so grateful I watched 60 Minutes that night when they featured Sarah Wilsons I QUIT SUGAR journey. As I too start and learn to omit sugar completely from my family's diet. I was a bit hesitant cutting it out completely last year when I grabbed the book, but willing to give it a go this time....

SO YAY!!! For Day 2 everyone and for those that accidentally had sugar today, always remember that you can make the change next time you eat. How did you go today? What was the hardest thing?

See you tomorrow!!
Xx Dani