Day 13 - no added sugar challenge

Hello there! Feeling more energised? Skin clearer? Mood better? That's all the feedback I have been receiving about this challenge and you know what? That's brilliant!!! That's what this is all about. Becoming healthier and happy peeps.

Today was a struggle for me. I have a pretty hectic day when Mietta goes to Kinda (early learning centre) for 2 hours as I drop off the boys to school in the morning, run some morning errands before heading back home for Zali to have her sleep, we then have lunch and then wake up Zali to take her big sis to Kinda for 2 hours! Then it's either another errand or walk around the lake during those hours. Then pick up the boys between 3-3:15pm and then rush to grab Mietta at 3:30pm!!! WHOOSH! That's the day GONE!

180 Nutrition coconut green smoothie (needed something to take away for the kids school run!)

Green smoothie spinach, apple, celery and ginger

*For your exclusive 10% discount on any 180 Nutrition product simply use my 264464 promo number at checkout 

Morning snack
Fruit salad with yogurt

Tuna salad wholemeal wrap

Afternoon snack
Tzaziki dip with cherry tomatoes, hard boiled eggs and wholemeal rice crackers

Healthy snack

Steamed vegetables with legumes

Steamed vegetables

Wasn't feeling overly hungry tonight, especially with the warm weather today. So we just steamed some vegetables and served the kids with tuna while we had a chickpea/legume mix.

Yogurt mango and berry icy poles

Mix natural yogurt or coconut milk with mango and berries (or whatever fruits you have) freeze and enjoy!!

Can I just say how pleased I am to see such wonderful no added sugar meals in our #noaddedsugar #nashchallenge gallery. I am blow away!! Here's just a few that caught my eye!!!

No added sugar challenge

Thanks to @pippafitness for her mexican inspired stuffed capsicum @mrs_parkinson for her amazing protein pancake stacks layered with coconut yogurt and banana @fithealthymade sweet treat ideas for Valentines Day and @laura_rixon for her array of food colours!

This challenge has been fantastic and I am so proud of you all for taking the plunge! I'm loving my Sarah Wilson I QUIT SUGAR ebook, grab a copy here if you need some inspiration.

What about next month? And the rest of the year? Please let me know what other challenges you would like to see me run!!!

Ready for next months challenge?

List them in your comments below and see you tomorrow on the most romantic day ever.

♥ Dani