Rest and repair day!!! Get spoilt as well

What a sensational quote!!!

My belief has always been....BE what you have always wanted to BE!!!! Also surround yourself with less clutter especially around your home, that's where I fall short. I really need to get rid of things around the house that I clearly do not use and simply have hanging around for "some perfect day" I might just need this! Yeah, like whatever! Get rid of it Dani!!! 


So I had a bit of a sleep in this morning before my CT scan so I whipped up:

3/4 cup oats/LSA mix
handful of walnuts
2 scoops of 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
1/2 banana
3 strawberries
1/2tsp black chia seeds
250ml milk

And off I went to the hospital with my breaky on the go, in fact here I am (for those that don't follow me on Instagram or Facebook) all smiles just to mask the pain, even though I am 100% better than I was yesterday especially after the adjustment at the Chiropractor! Oh yes and of course my dearest Valium ;-)

Morning snack
180 Nutrition chocolate bar

A very filling protein bar jam packed with all the lovely chia & sesame seeds, almond & tahini paste etc....I knew if I was delayed at the hospital this would be a fab meal replacement and it filled the gap beautifully before my lunch feast at home!

Zucchini (courgette) ribbons with vegetable bolognese sauce

It's always handy having dinner left overs especially when your husband is home and isn't quite sure what to prepare you for lunch! Once again, he did extremely well but then said we deserved a little afternoon tea "treat" outside of the house today! So we went to a cafe and ordered.....

Afternoon snack
mars bar chocolate cake (x1 serve between 6 people)

One of course to share amongst the six of us! Now that's what I call a good UPI (unexpected personal indulgent) as I didn't have to smash it all on my own (I would've, no problem) however the help of my other 4 little mouths and my darling hubby, I only got 3 spoon fills. Which was just enough and hit the spot.

Here is a glimpse of the cafe/restaurant we were at today.

The Grapes Hotel

And then we were off!!!! Out for dinner so I can have another night off! 

Pork spare ribs with a greek garden salad

Another night off? WOW! Dinner at The Steakhouse Restaurant, now. YUMMO ribs!!! Like, finger licking yummo!!!

I am extremely lucky although I know I would much rather be in the kitchen than resting in bed. HANG ON! Did I just say that? Well, rest is what I do need so I won't complain about that, it's just the circumstances that aren't too pleasant but all is well and I look forward to touching base with you all tomorrow. As my Mother would say "You mustn't be sick if you have time to go on the computer" in a Serbian accent of course!

LAKU NOĆ ~ Goodnight everyone
Xx Dani