NO MORE EXCUSES!!!! Just keep running

Hi everyone, as you know yesterday I didn't fit in my run due to the bad weather. Well today was a different day as I woke up with my NO MORE EXCUSES attitude and went out for a run!! In fact took this picture while I was out.....

Seriously, excuses are always in our way so please try to change your mind set and write your goals down and achieve what you set out to do. I planned on a 4km run but cut the run short (by 200 metres =3.8kms) as I needed to get home before Adrian went out the door. How wonderful is my husband?!!! He started pulling out of the drive to come find me as I was running onto our driveway. He even brought a towel for me to dry off!!! Now that's true love and the reason he gets the title LOML (love of my life).

Coconut and blueberry porridge

I bought a couple of punnets of these perfect purple blueberries and a coconut the other day. So I sprinkled some coconut protein powder, a splash of coconut water & full cream milk. As you know the base of our porridge has pears in it. So there is no honey or sugar required! I was in coconut and blueberry heaven!

Morning snack
x2 hard boiled eggs with vegetable sticks


Typically I do my 15 minutes FYM resistance training first, followed by my interval training. However due to my (43 days left to train) first EVER Run Ballarat 6km fun run, I decided to do my run first. This will be part of my cardio exercise regime during the FYM 10 weeks transformation challenge. Once I complete the run on Sunday the 21st October, I will revert back to my usual 15 minutes of interval training.

Transformation Kit workout completed Phase 2 Advanced Super Sets ~ Weeks 1-4

The glute raise march exercise was intense!!! I guess due to my running, I am feeling more muscle awareness in my lower body. As you know I am not a runner and much prefer to stick to my interval training but my goal is to complete at least one fun run before I turn 40 in 2014. I pushed myself pretty hard this morning with my workout and did 4 sets of the 6 movements outline in the program.

I'd love to hear your feedback on the Transformation Kit, for those that have purchased it at the 50% discount on my link. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. Just wait and see how your body changes!!!! Especially with the new clean eating lifestyle you embrace.

PWOS (post workout shake)
Chocolate flavour

French toast with a side salad

Kids activity

You know how I am really time poor? Of course you do, that's why I only workout 15 minutes per day!!!! ha ha anyways.... I thought I'd give the kids favourite play dough activity a bit of a fast forward by doing it in the microwave. This was my first time. I do think I prefer the stove top version but for this scenario. It worked a treat!!! Click here for the recipe.

1. Put all ingredients into bowl 2. Blitz until smooth 3. Add colour & glitter 4. Cook in microwave for 5 minutes!

The play dough smelt amazing!!! I added some strawberry essence and of course a bit of glitter. We had a great time with this activity this afternoon.

Very strawberry smelling, sparkling play dough 

Afternoon snack
Avocado, spinach & feta dip with GF crackers

Our kids are famished when they come home from school so we just blitzed avocado's, grated red onion, feta cheese, spinach with lemon juice and S&P. We serve them with crackers and vegetable sticks.

Mini chicken burgers served with crispy potatoes, snap peas and carrots

They did start off as meatballs but we got distracted this afternoon, so I had to shallow fry them to have dinner served by 6pm. Hence me pressing down on them to make them into burgers, to quicken the cooking process :-))

Chicken mince
Handful of chopped parsley and tarragon (or whichever herbs you like)
1 onion finely diced
1 celery stick finely diced
2 eggs (or use 1 as I made a huge batch for the kids school lunches)
1 slice of cubed bread soaked in milk
crushed garlic
breadcrumbs (fresh or packaged)
Spray of olive oil

1. Mix all ingredients together (use a blender to dice your veggies super quick)
2. Roll into balls or burgers
3. Sprinkle with bread crumbs
4. Gently shallow fry in  olive oil (if you have time to oven bake them, feel free, as I typically do this)

I did steam all our veggies tonight. Kids have been hanging for white potatoes (getting a little over my healthier sweet potato option) so I did do the quick fry to make them crispy in the pan where the lovely chicken flavours were. De-lish!!! This is a trick Jamie Oliver once taught me, late one night on the Foodstyle channel (I think I was up breastfeeding one of my 4 kids...can't remember??)

What's on for the weekend? We have the usual kids activities, finalising our beach house renovations so we can finally use it over the school holidays and some catch ups with friends. How about you?

Xx Dani