Getting to Know...................................

This weeks getting to know is...........................................................Kellie Vereyken

For people that see Kellie around the gym you will read this and simply think how the hell does she do it. Kellie is one of those "can do" people and will not let anything get in her way. I hope the following get to know inspires some people, Kellie has come along way in her training and with the obstacles she faces her story is  truely a great one.

Kellie in training for one of her 2012 goals...Tough Mudder

How did you discover Hybrid?
I commenced PT sessions with Shaun in 2009 under Functional Habits and have just followed along with the transition to Hybrid. For me it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

What were your thoughts after your first class at Hybrid?
I want more!!!!

Favourite Hybrid Class?
Nothing beats my PT sessions but Fighting Fit is a close second.

Favourite Hybrid exercise?
Hindu Push ups

Exercise your not so fond of?

What changes in your health, physique and performance have you observed since starting at Hybrid?
My physical strength has improved immensely and I have gainedmore muscle. My mental strength and endurance has also increased.

Tell us something no one knows about you or people would be surprised to know about you?
I suffer from two Auto Immune diseases & the combination of the two is extremely rare; SLE (Lupus) and Myasthenia Gravis. The MG is a neuromuscular disease which affects the use of my muscles leaving them weak and fatigued.

What is your favourite music to workout too?
Anything that has a cool groove and helps to get my heart rate up.

Which Hybrid member inspires you most and why?
For me it's not just one. Each and every person who walks through the Hybrid doors is inspirational. Unfortunately, sometimes you can't choose what happens to your body but you have the choice to respect it and nuture it. If you are a Hybrid member, then you have made the choice and that's why i find you inspiring.

Proudest accomplishment thus far at Hybrid?
Learning how to do Olympic-style lifting. Heavy weights and muscle weakness....scary!!!

What are your goals for 2012?
Complete Tough Mudder and prove all my doctors wrong.

One word to describe you?

One word to describe Hybrid?

We can report that Kellie has achieved her goal of completing the Tough Mudder, conquering it on the weekend. Congratulations Kellie your training is with the attitude of no excuses and your performances demonstrate this attitude.