Fit Yummy Transformation Challenge WEEK 3

How is everyone today? I am feeling fabulous and of course after yesterdays photo shoot, looking fabulous with my false eyelashes, yep! They're still in tact :-))) ha ha

THANK YOU all for your beautiful comments on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and of course here. I am blown away!!! You guys are awesome!! I should do these photo shoots more often!!!

It was so fun being glammed up by a professional make up artist/hair stylist and photographer yesterday. I was in my element and here's a shot to prove it!!! False eyelashes and all!!!

FAKE: eyelashes, spray tan & make-up GENUINE: smile, grey hairs & of course my new set of canons!!!


Seriously come follow me at Fit Yummy Mummy and you too will have guns like me :-) ha ha sorry had to make you laugh but seriously I am amazed how my body is shaping up. I can't believe we are already into our 3rd week and have only 7 weeks to go!!! WHOOSH!!!

I have never had my body looking like this in my entire life and I am loving it!!! I still haven't bought my heavier weights so that is still a goal over the next few weeks.

Transformation Kit Workout B ~ completed 4 sets MAX reps
Loving the squats however not strong with the lunges and really don't like performing them due to my pelvis instability :(

Post Workout shake chocolate protein smoothie

Bircher muesli with yogurt

Morning snack
Yogurt with fruit

Scrambled eggs with fresh tomatoes and coconut toast

4 eggs
2 tbs ricotta cheese
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
Olive oil

Beat eggs with ricotta cheese, add parmesan. Heat olive oil and cook eggs to your liking

The kids cooked their own lunch today so it was good to see them choose their foods out of the fridge! School holidays officially kick in at the end of this week however I do have Oscar on 3 weeks holidays so it's been fun entertaining the 3 munckins today! Our house is a bomb site!!!

Afternoon snack
My very own "guilt free" caramel popcorn

You're going to love me for this recipe. I even featured on the "clean eating" website The Gracious Pantry

Amazing what a bit of honey and peanut butter can do on some plain popcorn...divine!!!!


  • 1/4 cup almond butter or peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 8-10 cups popped popcorn


  1. Read through the steps first so you know what you to. You’ll need to work quickly.
  2. In a small pot, warm the honey on high heat. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Let it boil up in the pot about 1 inch and then quickly remove from heat.
  4. Stir in nut butter with a whisk and whisk until smooth. Should be “pourable”.
  5. Pour over the popcorn and mix with a spoon. The mixture is hot, so don’t be tempted to mix with your hands. I learned that the hard way (Duh!!).
  6. Let it all sit and cool and ENJOY!!!! Leave me a comment below when you have tried this xx

Chicken fajita's (Dani's quick version)

As you all know I did my impromptu photo shoot yesterday so had no time to cook. We grabbed some roasted chickens and the left overs are my dinner creations tonight...

Left over roasted (store bought) chicken
1 onion
1 carrot
1 tin crushed tomatoes
1 pkt of spinach leaves (350g)
6 kalamata olives
1 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp ground cumin
1/2 chilli (omit in childrens serve)
1/2tbs olive oil
Corn Mountain flat bread


Heat olive oil and sauté onions, carrots with herbs, add chicken, followed by spinach. Once spinach wilts, add tomatoes and cook for a further 5 minutes!! Real quick, simply and super super easy and so tasty!!!

We served ours with yogurt and shredded cheese (all the vegetables were cooked together in the chicken mix!) Simply wrap in flat mountain bread and smash it!!! Everyone loved it!!!

Until next time.....

Xx Dani