Women: Friendships, Jealousy, and Insecurities

I have been in the Lifestyle Bloggy world for a good two months now. I write about what is going on in my life and how the week/weekend was, but not much about who I am or what I think about things. Today I felt inspired to write, so I thought I would share and little somethin' somethin' about who this crazy azz blonde is behind this blog.

I was talking to my one of my bestest friends Jen the other day and she brought up about how I made her be my friend. I have four best friends (Kelly, Jen, Judy, and Anna). I chose them, they didn't choose me. When I am going to love something - someone, I just know. I get an energy and I just simply know. I'm also happy to say, I have rarely been wrong. I did this with Marquis as well.

Jen is the exact opposite of me. We met in 2006 when we were both cashering at a local grocery store. She is a tiny little soft spoken brunette and here I am this loud and crazy blonde with big hair/big makeup/big ta ta's, and I just fell in love with her. I like people who are opposite of me. 

She thought I was nuts. Most people do before they know me. I have a big crazy personality and you either love it or hate it. Jen didn't really care for me when we first met, but I didn't care. I liked her and I knew we were going to be best friends. I even TOLD her that when I first met her, the first day actually, and she literally replied "yeah... OK." 

And well people, I would just like to say its been 7 years and we are best friends forever. We have been through so much together and had the craziest and best times. I'm the Godmother to her daughter and even 3 hours apart, we spend weekends together all of the time. 

I love to tell her "Told ya so", by the way.

One of my other best friends is Kelly. We both live in Charlotte and OMG I would die without her. She is my diary, my soulmate, and my other half. I met her in 2007. We worked together in this huge Health Insurance call center place (I only lasted 3 months in that hell hole) and as my supervisor was introducing me to my coworkers, I met Kelly. I instantly had a huge girl crush. I thought she was such a hottie. ("I don't care if you're straight or not, anyone can appreciate a good looking woman" - my grandma has always said that. Go grandma.), so I emailed her at work, struck up a friendship, and knew I was going to make her my best friend. She said usually most women hated her and no one has ever been up front about being friends like I have. She does not have girlfriends. To this day, she and I are best friends. We can't even brush out teeth without texting each other about it. We email all day long STILL, we work out together, and share a trillion memories.

This brings me to how I feel about girls and friendship. It drives me in-freakin'-sane when I hear girls say: "LiKE OMG, I toteS onLy HanG OuT wiTh guyS, GiRls ARe SO muCh dRaMA".

Um, no.

How do girls survive without girlfriends? I am straight - engaged to my loving, caring, blah blah blah fiancé, but I love my girlfriends so freaking much - I like watching women succeed, and empowering and supporting them.

Also, I call women hot, beautiful, gorgeous, etc. That's just my personality. I'd also like to say that does not make me a big ole raging lesbo. Who doesn't appreciate a good lookin' woman? If you don't, its probably cause you a hata. I point out hot women for Marquis all of the time. Hell, even at Bodybuilding shows we will pick out our favorite girls on stage. It's a fun game we play. I'm all for "you can look but you can't touch". 

I think a good part of it is security and self actualization. You see, through all of the heartache and my journey I have realized how important is to like me for who I am. To be the foundation of my own happiness. To know that I will never depend on a "man" for my self worth nor hate a woman out of jealousy. And being in the blog land, this really comes into effect. Some of the ladies can craft like nobodies business, take amazing food pictures, wear the best/most expensive fashion, and have the best "hub-a-roo's" (I just threw up) in the world. Good for them you know? Come bring me a craft and take pictures of my culinary goodness while you're at it.

You just have to love you. You have to believe in yourself and be true to who you are. And guess what, even then people aren't going to like you. OK, cool... move on the next. You don't have to be hateful about it. I know I'm not the hottest and most beautiful out there and that is A-OK with me. I see chicks who blow my looks out of the water and I'm all like "You go girl". Jealousy doesn't do any good at all. It just creates the cattiness between women that you hear and read about, and OMG give me a gun, it's so stupid. I may not have Angelina Jolie's looks (now I would turn full blown lesbo for her) but I'm me. I have my unique traits and qualities and I do not need to compare myself to anyone else out there.

So, speaking of friendships, go to my "Join the Party" page, link up, and find some awesome new reads!

Maybe Our Girlfriends Are Our Soulmates And Guys Are Just People To Have Fun With

Um, so, yeah. Girl power!