Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Fatou Cissokho

Let me introduce you to my beautiful French connection Fatou. I didn't want to edit this interview as I love her authenticity. As I was reading this I imagined her French accent, I hope you do too.

Fatou has lost over 15kgs - 33lbs and continues her journey....

Transformation Tuesday with Fatou Cissokho

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 
I am 26 years old, I really try to eat healthy and lot of things didn’t eat before. workout every day and im feeling better since I make the choice for a new healthy me.

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then? 
When I was a kid I just love to eat junk food, I didn’t eat veggie and fruits, and I eat a lot candy, chips and fast food. When I start to “know” cooking I just cook easy and quickly meal like pasta and cheese. I always eat the same things. Since I start my journey I really try to not eat lot of starchy, sugar and no junk food. I include lot of veggie and fruits and cereals (oats). I just drink water no more juice or soda. I prefer smoothie or fresh fruit juice (homemade). I really take pleasure to cook and eat and discover some healthy dishes.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching? 
When I was younger I played basketball, but at the university and in my nurse school I stop it. But now I workout every day (fitness). I really love the feeling when I finish my workout, I start to love sweat again and I push myself every day to do more than yesterday. In TV I watch soccer and tennis.

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile? 
I love lot of things. I love smile, meet new people, and help. As you know I’m nurse and I’m on mission in French Guyana. I love dance, im a foodloverI  travel a lot, cause I think itsi mportant to knew the world around me. Im a cinema addict.Chillin with my friends, discover new things. And I love share all of these with my instagram family. Cause im very happy when people leave nice comments on my picture or ask me some advice or recipe. You know what im this kind of girl very simple, always smiling with star on my eyes.

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change? 
The catalyst for me is the fact to buy clothes more bigger everydayAnd  keep my pants in the background of my wardrobe. One day I was invited for diner and I have nothing to wear I just want to cry cause all of my close are so small.But the week after I decide to change my life for a healthy one.

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months? 
Im not sure it’s a goal or dream but I just want to be a better new me. Cause I deserve it. The healthy new me gonna be more stronger than me today. And I want to share my experience with lot of people cause inspiring and help other help me too to being better.

Before and after 

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation? 
You are more stronger than you think. Just make the daily choice for a new healthy life. Its hard but everyday past it’s a victory. You can and you will do this. Keep lot of inspiration, try news things but just take care of you.

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You can follow beautiful Fatou on Instagram @_mymiweightloss_ and merci gorgeous Fatou for sharing your life with us xx Dani