Weekend Shannies: Crafting Curse

Hola pretties, I hope you're all having a fantastic Sunday. Hot, dry, and humid here. I'm having a relaxing Sunday so before I pop open my wine, I wanted to write about the weekend that has been ensuing.


I felt crafty.

That never happens.

I decided in my mind, that Friday night I wanted to get all domestic and wifey like and make a fun craft for the house. I was told to look on Pintrest ideas.

I have never been on Pintrest.

I looked and looked and looked. But could not find anything.

On my lunch hour since WalMart is near, I thought I would just venture there and make up my own damn craft. I'm not very crafty but I AM creative.

WalMart was a bust. Nothing. I remember them having a huge arts and crafts section when I was younger, but the super WalMart I was in had nothing.

I thought "Well since I am here I will at least print pictures of Marq and I. (I knew I wanted my craft to do with pictures)

Well, I couldn't print my pictures. WalMart's photo section does not support the IPhone 5.


I called Marq all discouraged like and he just said "Well tonight we will just go to Garden Ridge".

Perfect idea babe.

So, I went back to work and ended up working late. On a Friday. Awesome.

I made myself push through 30 minutes of cardio after, too.

I got home around 6:30 and accidentally fell asleep. I was so tired.

Marquis gets home from the gym at 7 and wakes me up. I was exhausted but I really wanted to get crafty tonight! I changed clothes anyway and went to Garden Ridge.

I love that store. We were in there an hour and half just looking at all of the Halloween decor, pictures, vases, everything. Well, finally I was getting impatient and just wanted to look at the crafts so could go.

However, we couldn't find them.

I finally found a cashier and she informed that "a long time ago" they got rid of their entire craft section.


Weird, especially because right under their huge "Garden Ridge" sign outside of their store, "crafts" is on the tagline.

Oh well. We picked up Subway, caught up on "The Bridge", and called it a night.

But I did get super cute fake candles.



Arose from the dead around 8:30.

I had bunches of errands to run. One of my stops was "Aldi". Does anyone else get groceries there? I love that place! I bought three big ass, plump, ripe, delicious looking zucchini's (seriously, their huge) for only $1.99. And a bottle of Chardonnay for $2.89. AND the cashier said "I'm sorry, I have to card you. I can't believe you're over 21". Then when she saw I was 24 she couldn't believe it.

That totally made my day. Maybe I should go makeup free more often ;-)


I hit the gym for cardio and weights after my shopping then prepped food and cleaned.

Saturday night, babylove and I went to dinner and the movies.

We had a hot dog at the cutest little dinner called "Hwy 55" and the delicious brownie Sundae pictured below. Topped with my favorite strawberry syrup, of course.

This little place was soo adorable. I am OBSESSED with older "retro" type stuff (See fiance, ha! I kid, I kid) so this diner had me all happy and smiley. I loved the interior, the booths, the floor pattern, oh and they had pictures of Marilyn everywhere.

After that we saw "Elysium". It was a pretty good movie. It was different and action packed, but something I would not see again. But still a good movie.


Today has been relaxing and oh how I have enjoyed it after working so much and so hard lately. Marquis is in full blown show prep too, so he is barely getting by these days. The gym takes 90% of his energy. We are enjoying a day at home.

I at least went upstairs to run on the tredmill, that has to count for something.

We had good intentions. We wanted to go to the dog park, but it is miserable hot today. You know those bug things that make noise when it's really hot? They sound miserable. They are in full effect and LOUD. It's dry, humid, and too freaking hot in NC.

So, I have been watching movies.

1) The Day The Earth Stood Still (LOVE!)

2) 2012. I never watched it before, but I loved this one too. However, I'm glad I watched in 2013. If I had watched that in 2009 when it came out, my ass would have moved to China to get a ticket to get on that big ark. It was SUCH a good movie though!

3) Now I'm watching "Never Been Kissed". I'm trying to get the most out of my HBO subscription before I cancel it, since True Blood ends in like 2-3 weeks :(

*Lots of awesome Monday link-up's going on today! Be sure to check out my party page; link up, view new blogs and your already favorites!*