Healthy cauliflower leek quiche or pie base

Typically we have pizza's on Friday night but I had a cauliflower in the fridge which I thought would make an ideal base for those traditional pastry quiche and pie bases. You know the ones with white flour, butter, eggs etc... well here's my super quick, healthy chicken quiche or pie version.

Healthy chicken quiche pie

This is an ideal Fathers Day light lunch served with some salad. Adrian has requested this for Sunday! He loved ALL the flavours.

1 cauliflower
1 leek
3 eggs
parmesan cheese (or your preferred cheese)

Boil cauliflower and leek, once cooled squeeze excess liquid and mash up with a fork, mix in eggs, cheese and seasoning. Line mixture into a quiche pan and bake until golden brown. Add whatever cooked toppings you like to this.

Doesn't it look beautiful? It's super tasty too!

Healthy cauliflower and leek quiche pie base 

I sautéed (whilst the quiche pie base was in the oven baking) 1 leek with 3 zucchini's and 1 packet of chicken tenderloins. You can do so many variations from bacon and mushroom, curry, bolognese mince you name it!

What are some traditional dishes you make on Fathers Day?

Have a great weekend and Happy Fathers Day to ALL you Dads' out there.

It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday!

Can I get a a HELL YES for Friday, the beach, and a long weekend?!

I am hyper and all over the place today so in honor of H54F and 5 on a Friday, here are 5 things I want to share with you about my week.

1.) C O U P O N S.
 Buying groceries pisses me off. Can you fathom how much money we could save if we didn't eat? It would be a lot. Grocery expenses eating healthy and living with a bodybuilder can break the bank. So I am diving in the world of coupons. I'm buying a minivan next week as well. I hope I can keep with it. So far I have done pretty good. But it has only been a week, ha. I am checking Harris Teeter's website for their sales, matching the sales with coupons, and then of course buying whatever I can at Aldi.

Regular: $53. I bought: $37

2.) THE B A T M O B I L E
Marq's tricked out Transformer's edition camaro. Just when I think the car looks great, he goes and adds/changes something. I am proud though, it looks badass. But ladies let me tell y'all; this man will get on one knee to tell me he wants to spend the rest of life with me, but will not let me drive his car. Is that logic or what? But that's OK, I plan on drugging him soon so I can take it for a spin.

Mine and Marq's relationship is kind of opposite sometimes than your traditional ones. First, our age difference, then he is the one in the kitchen and I am the one working. Ha ha ha. Since Marq is an entrepreneur he has people work for him. He of course helps, but not full time. And me, well I am your 8-5 girl. I like it though, I would go crazy not working. So he send me these texts with our healthy food prepared for the beach this weekend. Even with no air. (It's fixed now, $650 later. FML) Great job baby, what a trooper!

4.)  S U R P R I S E
Marquis sent me the below email Wednesday night as he was leaving the gym. It was notification that a laptop had shipped. He bought me a new computer after I told him about me starting my dream of writing. I absolutely cannot believe it. I have been using one of my office's old-as-dirt laptop's so he decided to get me one. And it's RED, my favorite color. Too. Effing. Awesome.

5.) D R A N K
We are off to the beach tomorrow and will be back Tuesday. Labor day is bittersweet. Our last hoorah before summer ends. When we get back, Marquis has to be on show prep full time so it will be clean eats, rigorous work outs, and early bed times for 7 weeks. I play along with him so he doesn't have to endure the pain alone. But I will ensure our last summer beach trip goes out with a bang...

Oh yes. I'm ready.

Image Map

My Mother on Facebook (part 2)

Well my friends, it is time for My Mother on Facebook, part 2. I did part 1 in June so if you have not had a chance to her prior antics, you can do so here. She is such a weirdo.

I accidentally bought some sex vitamins at GNC. My mom wanted them.

She is not a fan of "Honey Boo Boo". I deliberately replied to her posting that picture on my wall (she feels the need to share 8382 pictures with me everyday on Facebook) with a boo boo comment because she hates them.

She thinks I could be a stripper.

and that my cat is a drunk.

and that you can die from eating mushrooms.

Hope y'all enjoyed. I love my mom more than life and we have the craziest relationship. She lets me be the foul mouthed wild child that I am, and I owe her my life for letting me be that way.

Workout Wednesday and BOB Ironman stroller review

We love it. As soon as a little bit of sun gets out in Ballarat we are out that door!!! Here's Zali and I in the park having some fun and I squeezed in a mini squat workout. I also love getting into my fitness gear as they are super comfy when working out and super stylish for when I need to pick up the kids from school.

Blackmilk Clothing camo leggings, Nike free runners, Stylerunner Striders Edge jacket
Thank you Stylerunner for my funky fitness pack and supporting my Ride To Conquer Cancer rides, I hope to see you in Sydney for the Chris O'Brien Lighthouse at RPA. I only have another $500 to reach my target. Donations of any kind are welcomed here.

For those that like to workout in style, head over and check out the awesome range of fitness wear and like Stylerunners' Facebook page here.

Squat workout

12 body weight squats
12 baby/body weight squats (as pictured above for added weight I held Zali whilst doing a regular squat)
12 Plie squats (stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width with your toes pointing out. Put your arms out straight in front of you and lower into a squat)
12 squats with kick back (simply bring your left leg straight behind you while extending your arms forward. Repeat on other side)

NB: avoid your knees creeping over your toes

BOB IronMan stroller review

I also love taking our "you beaut" BOB IronMan stroller for some interval training up and down our street. Adrian likes to take Zali for a run around the lake too and finds the fixed front wheel really sturdy. He particularly likes the alloy wheels and the hand brake. Such a male thing to say!

Ironman stroller

I love how smooth it feels, very light to push, great to manoeuvre and the padded handlebar is comfortable. The girls love jumping into the stroller at any opportunity. There are heaps of great features on this stroller. A secure five-point padded harness, adjustable reclining seat that looks super comfy with all the padding. Fabulous on those days when you want them to sleep and you get some fresh air and exercise at the same time. I love it!!!

Mietta and I running up and down our street in the Ironman stroller

It's super lightweight frame makes it easy to fold away in 2 easy steps and fits comfortably in the rear of our car. Nothing is worse than being stuck on the road trying to fold up a stroller when you are in a hurry, trust me, it's hard yakka with 4 kids!!! It is totally optioned up with a snack tray and with the wind blowing across Lake Wendouree, the multi-position canopy adjusts for protection against the harsh winds and wet weather. It looks super cosy in there.

There is loads of storage in the seat back pocket for my handbag and our snacks, including internal pockets for the girls lip gloss and toys.  I would recommend this stroller especially for those active Mums that need to get out and exercise but can't co-ordinate a babysitter on time. Having said that, Adrian loves taking Zali for a walk/run giving me a break and fitting in fitness for himself.

Adrian and baby Zali loving the Ironman stroller

Do you prefer to workout on your own or like finding creative ways to exercise with your kids?

Happy Wednesday xxDani 

What Happened to Me When I saw Miley Twerk

Sunday. It was the VMA's. I was all like

when I saw my homegirl, Lady Gaga opening the show. She was amazing, beautiful, and weird as hell. It made me happy.

Oh and her body? WOW. Yes.

But then..

then, Miley Cyrus's performance was coming.

Initially I was like

when she first came out of freakin' teddy bears.

But then, she started to "twerk"

and I was like

and she was all sticking her tongue out


and SINGING HIS song.

And I felt like Will Smith and his family.

So I decided I had enough.

Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Fatou Cissokho

Let me introduce you to my beautiful French connection Fatou. I didn't want to edit this interview as I love her authenticity. As I was reading this I imagined her French accent, I hope you do too.

Fatou has lost over 15kgs - 33lbs and continues her journey....

Transformation Tuesday with Fatou Cissokho

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 
I am 26 years old, I really try to eat healthy and lot of things didn’t eat before. workout every day and im feeling better since I make the choice for a new healthy me.

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then? 
When I was a kid I just love to eat junk food, I didn’t eat veggie and fruits, and I eat a lot candy, chips and fast food. When I start to “know” cooking I just cook easy and quickly meal like pasta and cheese. I always eat the same things. Since I start my journey I really try to not eat lot of starchy, sugar and no junk food. I include lot of veggie and fruits and cereals (oats). I just drink water no more juice or soda. I prefer smoothie or fresh fruit juice (homemade). I really take pleasure to cook and eat and discover some healthy dishes.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching? 
When I was younger I played basketball, but at the university and in my nurse school I stop it. But now I workout every day (fitness). I really love the feeling when I finish my workout, I start to love sweat again and I push myself every day to do more than yesterday. In TV I watch soccer and tennis.

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile? 
I love lot of things. I love smile, meet new people, and help. As you know I’m nurse and I’m on mission in French Guyana. I love dance, im a foodloverI  travel a lot, cause I think itsi mportant to knew the world around me. Im a cinema addict.Chillin with my friends, discover new things. And I love share all of these with my instagram family. Cause im very happy when people leave nice comments on my picture or ask me some advice or recipe. You know what im this kind of girl very simple, always smiling with star on my eyes.

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change? 
The catalyst for me is the fact to buy clothes more bigger everydayAnd  keep my pants in the background of my wardrobe. One day I was invited for diner and I have nothing to wear I just want to cry cause all of my close are so small.But the week after I decide to change my life for a healthy one.

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months? 
Im not sure it’s a goal or dream but I just want to be a better new me. Cause I deserve it. The healthy new me gonna be more stronger than me today. And I want to share my experience with lot of people cause inspiring and help other help me too to being better.

Before and after 

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation? 
You are more stronger than you think. Just make the daily choice for a new healthy life. Its hard but everyday past it’s a victory. You can and you will do this. Keep lot of inspiration, try news things but just take care of you.

* * * 

You can follow beautiful Fatou on Instagram @_mymiweightloss_ and merci gorgeous Fatou for sharing your life with us xx Dani 

It was like someone dumped Hawaii in NC!

What an awesome weekend!


I completely jinxed myself talking about what a fabulous week I had! Work was in-FREAKING-sane and by the time the clock struck 5 PM, I was a zombie walking out of the door. I pushed through cardio at the gym then received a call that a company was coming over to wash and detail my car!

Now that is how it is done.

After, my car was beautiful again, Marq & relaxed with Champs and chocolate raisins, and we watched one of the best movies I have seen in a long time; "42".


Marq and I rose early to bake the red velvet brownies from Pintrest that I posted about on Friday. We were baking them for a luau birthday party. We had all of the shit ton ingredients that it required and got to work. We were pouring the batter in the pans for it to cook, and we decided to taste it to see how we did. 

Well something was so wrong. It did not taste good. We checked through everything and figured out that our canola oil expired in 2010. Like wow. 2010. Really?

Since we had used up some of the ingredients and I was ready to throw up in the flag, we just decided to go back to the grocery get boxed brownies, and call it a day.

However, we did make them our own. We added caramel and peanut butter throughout the batter and topped it with chocolate chips. They were a hit and everyone loved them.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at the gym, cleaning, and prepping food for the week. Then it was time to get ready. Since we were going to a luau, I decided for big blonde curls and a fun purple smokey eye. I felt like a tropical blonde!

Below is our friend Will's house. He has turned his back yard into a Hawiian oasis. The pictures do not do it justice. It is absolutely incredible! It is like someone dropped Hawaii in North Carolina.

We had the best time drinking Spirte and peach vodkas and dancing to beach music.I was so buzzed. I met an awesome girl named Selena and these older chicks there were eating Marquis up. Since he's getting really buffed up for his upcoming bodybuilding shows, he looks more cut and veiny than usual. These ladies were drooling over it. Personally I thought it was hot. I'm the one going home with him so those girls can touch and drool all they want. 

We left around 12:30, sang "Girl's Just Want To Have Fun" completely out of tune, and picked up Steak & Shake. Then I passed out before I could even enjoy it. We haven't let loose like that in a while so it was deserved. They are having another luau in two weeks. Ill be there with bells on!


Today has been wonderful. It has been a bright and sunny day and the most perfect temperature. Marquis and I slept in until about 9:30. We had breakfast outside, went for a walk, then took the dogs to the dog park. 

Now I'm gearing up for Catfish and the VMA's. I can't wait to see my girl, Ms. Gaga perform. I even made a new snack to have during the show. They are whole wheat dough balls rolled in fat free butter spray and extra light olive oil and topped with garlic powder, and Parmesan cheese. Yum!

I hope everyone had a great weekend - join up and share your weekend Shannies and join all of the link up's!

Epic weekend in Brisbane for the Rio Tinto Ride To Conquer Cancer

"The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark." - Michelangelo 

Jeepers! I know for a fact I didn't aim low with this Ride To Conquer Cancer achievement. I am speechless, so many europhic and epic moments that I will endeavour to keep this short and sweet. Still pinching myself with Richard Branson getting back to our invitation to come ride with us. Totally outta this world!

Photo courtesy of amazing photographer Pat  Event Photos Australia

Seriously? This time last week I was in Bris Vegas and meeting a bunch of crazy and super extraordinary people. Yes, we the finally met face to face for the first time. It was like a family reunion. Faces were familiar and we were chatting like it was only yesterday. Which is kinda true, as we would've touched base via Facebook the night before to finalise our weekend arrangements.

The power of social media and connecting people these days simply blows me away. I am totally in love with it all, as you can appreciate being a Mum of 4 kids my social life isn't as regular as back in my Rockstar Dani days :-)

Anyways, without getting too emotional and telling you this has got to be one of the greatest things I have EVER done in my life (besides marrying the love of my life and giving birth to 4 amazing children) this comes pretty close. I rode with so many amazing people and loved hearing all their stories and why they ride. They shared their life with me and the ones they lost. I too told them I had family pass away and thankfully my father survived prostate cancer.
It was truly humbling to hear them give me thanks for doing what I am doing and for leaving our young family behind to help theirs. WOW!!! Tears, strolling.

So without further adieu here are my thousand words in pictures.....

Day 1 - Vision Crusaders We ROCK!!! We were pumped!!!! Just about to take off!

Simon Mills, Brenda Batten, Nicko Lunardi, Nicole Whelan, Dani Stevens , Kai McIntyre, Ken Dutton, Josh Potter, Klaus Bartosch, Troy Douglas, Greg Leitch, Bec Failla, Chris Hennessey, Sharon Robson, Jeanette McGhee, Rona & Tim Wakeman, Robert Dixon, Jacqueline Anthony, Lis Dargush, Matt Leasegang and Stephen Hughes

Day 1 - I officially fall off my bike with one cleat still on (only a minor fall), first 5kms into my ride and I stuff up on my gears, the chain gets stuck in between the cassette and the rear hub, amazing Rio Tinto bike techs to the rescue and I allow the blood flow back into my body after my feet go numb riding. 

Fitness Food And Style rides her first 220kms ride

Day 1 - celebrating our amazing team member Robert Dixon reaching his 20,000kms milestone, super special

Vision Crusaders celebrating Robert Dixon's 20,000km milestone

Day 1 - riding along side my partner in crime, Matt (I'm sure we got separated at birth)

Matt L (another amazing photographer) and I

Day 1 - first lunch pit stop after missing one in between and cycling 40kms straight! I was on fire!

Captain Klaus Bartosch and I (eating as per usual)

Day 2 - We were very noticeable standing out in our Blackmilk Clothing leggings

Photo courtesy of amazing photographer Pat  Event Photos Australia

Day 2 - riding in the fog and being escorted by Police vehicles was pretty cool

Photo courtesy of amazing photographer Pat  Event Photos Australia

Day 2 - Beautiful Stephen Hughes kept me going over the 2 days, awesome crew at every pit stop nourishing our fatigue bodies, fab photographer Pat capturing all these amazing pictures and Greg and I woo-hooing at the finish line on Day 2

Day 2 RTCC highlights with fabulous people

Day 2 - Bec and I crossing and finishing our 220kms ride together

Photo courtesy of amazing photographer Pat  Event Photos Australia

Day 2- I complete my first ever ride of 220kms of my life (my bike only clocked 100kms on an indoor trainer 14 days ago). Anything is possible if you set your mind to it!

Very proud moment

The Rio Tinto Ride to Conquer Cancer raised an astonishing $4.2 Million, with 1,236 riders to support vital cancer research and clinical trial at QIMR. I am super proud to be a part of this. For those wishing to support us please donate generously so we, the Vision Crusaders can complete ALL of the 6 Ride To Conquer Cancer events. Click to donate to our team here or you can donate to my next ride in Melbourne which supports the Peter Mac foundation.

Special thanks 

To all my Vision Crusaders family, amazing sponsors Cycle City for my bike, Goves Cycles for my awesome gloves, 2XU for my bike apparel and all of you that kindly donated and made all this happen.

While I was in Brisbane my beautiful girlfriend made me feel pretty special by placing micro bead hair extensions, I am so in love with them. So if you are in Brisbane, you have to contact Nicolina at Lashing Extensions and please like her Facebook page and leave her a comment and say hi. They feel so amazing, so natural. Our kids thought that the sunshine made my hair grow longer while I was up North. Gold!!!

Hair extensions by Lashings Extensions

Have a beautiful weekend and I look forward to another sensational week with you all next week.

Linking up With Some Grace for FYOB.