Weight loss transformation tuesday with Justine Switalla

Let me introduce you to someone that is a;

  • International and national presenter
  • Author of 3 weightloss Ebooks
  • Writer
  • Oxygen Magazine Brand Ambassador
  • Radio Host
  • Multi time covergirl
  • Fitness Professional
  • BodyScience Sponsored Athlete

Justine is simply gorgeous and I wanted to share a different transformation with you today. Sports models need to work out as much as we do. Here is Justines 7 week bikini body transformation 

1. How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date?

I am a 33 year old kiwi girl who is trying to crack the big time in Australia. I have always been into fitness and played sport my whole life so life getting into the fitness industry felt like the right thing to do back in 2004.

Since I made that decision I have never looked back, I have gone from strength to strength and can honestly say that I love every day of my life. Inspiring and educating people in health and well being is the best job in the world and I feel blessed everyday.

I am a proud BodyScience sponsored athlete with lots of strings to my bow and over the years I have progressed into a lot of different areas of the industry. I am in the Les Mills Asia Pacific presenting team for RPM and CXworx and I have competed at the highest level as a sports model in Australia and New Zealand. I have graced the cover of fitness magazines and have had many publications in magazines such as Oxygen, Fatloss, Ultrafit, NZ Fitness...the list goes on!
I have hosted events and have a weekly radio health and fitness show on SEN. I also film my own You tube videos for my you tube channel, speaking to people is easy for me, I feel I have a great way of connecting with people and am able to get the best out of them.

The future looks very bright for me and with my drive and ambition I just know that I am on the tip of the iceberg of the things I can achieve and the lives I can change.

2. What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?

Oh wow!!! I used to be the worst eater, I would only eat anything in potato form and I ate no veggies what so ever. I used to eat all kinds of cheesy pastas, I loved steak and my fave meal was hot chips. Never had much of a sweet tooth but loved my white carbs. Now I eat whole range of foods and try to eat as many veggies and fruits as possible. I like to eat clean and live by the 80/20 rule. I am fairly strict Monday to Friday then I relax more on the weekends and allow myself a few treats. An idea of a typical day would be:

  • 6am Protein/Berry smoothie or oats
  • 9am Veggie Omelette
  • 12pm Chicken Wrap (mountain bread) with Salad/Avocado
  • 3pm Almonds and a protein shake
  • 6pm Some form of Chicken with Veggies and or Salad
  • 9pm Protein shake or Low carb Protein Bar

I will also eat a banana each day around my training.

3.  Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?

I used to play a lot of sport growing up, I played netball, tennis, touch rugby and I loved to dance. I don't really have the time to play sport anymore although I do miss it, especially the social aspect. I like to watch most sports but growing up in NZ has made me passionate about rugby so that would be my favourite game to watch.

4.  What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?

I love to train and feel good about myself, I really enjoy the benefits that come with living a healthy lifestyle. I really enjoy spending time with my friends and loved ones, I feel that they keep  me grounded and humble as they know the real me and really support what I do. My favorite thing to do is to spend time with my man, I absolutely adore him and he makes me happy in so many ways. We laugh a lot together and I feel this is so important in todays world, laughter is the best. I try not to take life too serioulsly and am always up for some fun and a good laugh. I love to travel and meet new people, people really intrigue me and I love to speak to people from all walks of life.

5.  What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change? 

I needed direction as I was feeling very lost before my first Sports model comp in 2008. I was stuck in a
rut and was heading down the wrong path afer a break up. I made a decision to change and I have
never looked back!

6. What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?

I have so many things happening in my life over the next 12 months, the biggest one being that I am going to be a mum. I am due to have a baby on Jan 8th 2014 and couldn’t be more happy. I am so up for this next stage of my life and my partner and I are beside ourselves with excitement. I aim to be have a healthy pregnancy and then post baby I want to obviously get myself back into tip top shape and prove that if I can do it then all the other mummy’s out there can do it to. On top of this I am designing a 10 week online ‘live lean’ program with my business partner that is due out in Sept so I am super excited for this to start.

7. What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?

To me it is all about a decision and then backing yourself 100%, it is not going to be easy and there will be days where it all seems too much but you have to hang in there and keep going. The biggest thing is to make sure that you are kind to yourself and reward yourself as you go along, don’t focus on the big picture so much but on the journey as you go along achieving new things each day/week.

* * * 

Thank you so much Justine for sharing your amazing transformation and life story with us. I look forward to following your new baby journey and for others that are interested you can follow Justine here;

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/JustineSwitalla.Official
Justine's 7 week bikini program
Instagram: @justine_switalla
Twitter: @justineswitalla

Anyone who would like to share their healthy new lifestyle, can do so here.
