Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Greg Leitch

Here is an amazing transformation. I missed out on my male feature last week but I am so proud to share with you this wonderful man. His name is Greg Leitch and he has lost over 50kgs!!!

Here is his inspirational story....

Greg Leitch lost over 50kgs

1.    How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 

I am 40 years of age, father of 3 boys (12, 6 and 4) and a 10 year old daughter.  In feb 2012 I weighed in at 156kgs and was a very unhealthy and unhappy person.  Whilst I was happily married and loved my family, there was just no desire to get up and do anything.  My wife and I decided in May 2012 that something needed to be done. We signed up to the Michelle Bridges 12WBT program and the rest is history. I am now working out 6 days a week, eating a healthy diet of raw clean foods and enjoying life a lot more.  As I type this I have lost more than 55kgs and have managed to take part in 3 fun runs (1 with my family – The Glow Run) as well as the 2012 Melbourne Ride to Conquer Cancer, 2013 MS Cycle and run my first half marathon in April 2013.  What does the rest of this year have in store? 6 more RTCC rides, and another half marathon and then a 70.3 half ironman early in 2014.  Not bad for a reformed couch potato.

2.    What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then? 

As a kid I was brought up on meat and 3 veg pretty much.  Most of my life it was my mum as a single parent battling to make sure her 2 kids were fed and clothed, but we never went without healthy wholesome home cooked foods.  We very rarely had takeaway and if we did it was the occasional fish and chips.  As a young adult I splurged a bit more on the crappy foods and indulged to much with alcohol.  A lethal combination in anyone’s language.  Then I moved to London for 2 years and partied far too much and did NO exercise other than walking around foreign cities sightseeing.  Now we are conscious of what we are putting in our mouths as a family and the amount.  Portion control is key and we quickly realised that whilst we were trying to instil in our children the virtues of eating good foods, we were eating far too much and to many processed ingredients as well.

3.    Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?

I am a sports nut and always have been.  Growing up I was like all other boys and played football in winter and cricket in summer.  I also started playing golf at age 14and got down to a handicap of 7 but gave it up for a number of years when travelling.  I love watching AFL, European soccer, F1, golf and cycling.  I am now an avid cyclist and I am learning to run (some might say I am already there, but 1 half marathon doesn’t mean I know all about it)and I am going to take up triathlons in the future.

4.    What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?

My interests are war history ( I have been to Gallipoli and done Kokoda), reading, cycling and travelling.  I also enjoy and have a passion for coaching junior boys football and watching the joy the boys get out of their sport brings back a lot of good memories about how much fun it was being a kid.  I also enjoy sharing new experiences with my family.  We try to introduce them to as many new things as possible and give them opportunities that we were not able to experience as children.  We have travelled abroad with them twice already to Malaysia and Bali, and will be taking them back to Bali again this year.  We also love being able to take them away to our caravan and spend quality time away from the big smoke.

5.    What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?

My wife was my catalyst.  She had been trying a number of different weight loss methods over the years and had some success only to put it back on again.  She signed up for the 12WBT and I decided to join purely to support her and see if I could lose a few kgs myself.  The results that we both saw sparked a desire to keep going and now the rest is history.  My wife has also lost over 30kgs and we have introduced our kids to a new life of exercise and healthy eating which is the norm now.  My youngest 2 boys quite often show us their versions of the exercises they see us doing.

Greg drops several pant sizes

6.    What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?

I WILL get to my desired weight range.  Whilst this is not about the scales for me, being in that weight range will make it easier for me to achieve my cycling and running goals with less strain on my body.  I want to complete my 6 Ride to Conquer Cancer rides, achieve a new PB at the Run Melbourne Half Marathon and start training for my half ironman triathlon.  I will continue to help my new network of health and fitness transformation friends both via the cyber world and in person at our weekly training sessions in our garage/pergola as well as becoming a fit and healthy role model for my children.

7.    What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?

This is something that you have to want to do and achieve 100%.  If you are not ready to do this and commit to it then you will not achieve what you think you will.  It will be hard at times, but never as hard as being obese or unhealthy.  You will also only get out of it what you put in.  If you don’t commit to the diet or the exercise then you can’t expect to lose large amounts of weight or improve your fitness levels.

You must also realise that this is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change.  Because of this, we will all have bad days, or meals.  Don’t let this get your down.  Own the fact that you made a bad choice.  It happens, but move forward and make sure that all the good work doesn’t go to waste and that you continue with the right choices.  We are allowed to let our guard down at times, but we have to be prepared to wear it.  Also don’t compare yourself to others.  You are only responsible for what you do and can only impact your life.  You don’t know the path others have travelled and will be moving on so you don’t know how/why things are happening with them. 
I would also say surround yourself with supportive and likeminded people.  It is hard when you change your lifestyle and make serious choices.  You will need people to be there for you.  This may be to give you a prod to get up and train, or to question you about a food choice, but it will also be to pat you on the back when you have done a good job, when you want to vent about things and when you just need a cuddle. 

I can't wait to meet Greg in person (we have met virtually through our team Vision Crusaders) next month as we Ride To Conquer Cancer in Brisbane. He has been fantastic and offered an awesome deal to my friends and family who have so kindly donated to my ride. THANK YOU so much Greg.

To follow Greg he has his own personal blog, Twitter and Instagram account.

For those that wish to feature on my Transformation Tuesday post please click here.
