Move Nourish Believe - Another Lorna Jane feature

I was so honoured when I was asked to appear in this months Lorna Jane's campaign. You can read all about how that happened here. Our kids think I am really famous now and took the catalogue to school for show and tell.

Here was my first MNB interview “A day in the life of Dani Stevens”. This month I appear with 5 other amazing women and share my active living story.

Enjoy! XxDani 


CAMPAIGNdani_bannerWelcome Active Living Advocate Dani Stevens – the woman who does it all, and makes it look so easy. You may recognise Dani from her personal blog, Fitness Food & Style; a place where she inspires her readers on a daily basis to achieve the right balance of a healthy, fit regime and lifestyle.
Dani captured our attention not too long ago, fascinated by her life and her sheer determination to promote positive change really had us wondering… how does she do it? So much so, we wrote a blog post on A Day In The Life Of Dani Stevens. Eager to discover more about Dani, we knew straight away that we had to feature her in our new campaign… and that we did. Read on and get to know this rockstar SAHM (stay at home mum), we hope she sparks something within you just as she did us here at Lorna Jane.


Tell us a little bit about you…
I am 39 years old and a mother to two boys and 2 girls under the age of 7 years. I love interacting with people, fitness, food, fashion, interior design, travel, music and other cool stuff. I am all about sharing the love and do that on a daily basis. I love to give people everything I have access to.
Name…Daniela Stevens
Occupation…Stay At Home “Rockstar” Mum AKA Mother
5 words to describe yourself…
CAMPAIGNdani__01Something we don’t know about you (fun fact) …
Wherever there is music, I love to sing and dance.
How did your active journey begin? Have you always been healthy? What’s your story?
You can find out more about more story here.
You are obviously an inspiration to us, who is your biggest inspiration?
I have so many that I can’t just single out one person, ALL positive people simply inspire me.


The last meal I ate was…
Pear and strawberry quinoa pudding
My diet consists of …
Fresh fruit and vegetables, plenty of nuts and 1-2 meals of meat per week. I typically eat 5-6 meals per day as I am constantly on the go and need to fuel my body.
Staple items that we could find on your shopping list?
A big box of fresh fruit and vegetables, chickpeas, legumes, almond meal, 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder, chia seeds, coconut oil
What is your guilty pleasure?
Almond chocolate
Fave go-to snack?
A banana and a handful of walnuts
What are 3 ways you like to nourish – be it food, hobbies or other?
• Green Smoothie
• Quality family time
• Music
What nourishing recipe are you famous for making?
My beauty essential is…
Coconut oil is amazing for my skin, lips and body. I love this natural product that you can nourish inside and outside of your body.


What is your favourite way to move?
15 minutes of resistance and interval training. IT example; burbees, kettlebells, star jumps etc.…nothing makes you sweat more than these short burst moves.
What is one of your biggest tips on how to live active?
Park the car as far as possible from where you want to go and WALK!!!
How do you stay motivated & keep consistent?
My virtual friends are always my daily motivation. Also my body is a pretty good indication on how I feel when I don’t work out regularly or eat healthy. So do my clothes. It’s great I can use these things to keep me motivated, to keep me in better shape and stay healthy.
I have found the best result by…
Staying connected with like-minded people and being true to yourself. We don’t get anywhere by missing a workout or going back to our bad eating habits. That’s why we all are here, to motivate one another and stay on track.


Biggest lesson your have learnt so far?
CAMPAIGNdani__02I keep balanced by…
Connecting with so many wonderful like-minded people across the world. They also keep me motivated.
My favourite quote of all time…
“Look famous. Be legendary. Appear Complex. Act easy. Radiate presence. Travel light. Seem a dream. Prove real.”
I believe in myself by…
Following my dreams. There are no limits – EVER!
Happiness to me is….
Health and our beautiful family
My current goals are…
Get more muscle definition as I have dropped some of my workouts throughout winter and I have been over indulging!!!! My body has become soft. Time to get refocused and more active, even though it’s winter in Australia.


Juices or smoothies: Smoothies
Stir-fry or salad: Salad
AM workout or PM: AM
Blogs or Books: Blogs
If your life were a movie, who would play the starring role?
Monica Bellucci
If you could write a letter to your future self what would it say?
To my dearest Daniela, thanks for keeping it real. You have an amazing life, full of love and happiness. I am so proud of all that you have accomplished. You are simply the best! Keep going. I love you.