Well Said Jim

Every good gym has great mentors, We use what we learn from these mentors and pass that on to our clients. Sure we have our own ideas and philosophies as well but we take great notice in what great trainers/fitness professionals say around the World. People like Gambetta, Boyle, Sonnon, Cook, Baker, McGill, Ferrugia, Wendler, Everett etc are just a few that I personally have read a great deal of articles and books on, however these are just the tip of the iceberg. If I am not writing programs, thinking of strength and conditioning ideas I am usually reading about it. Every night is spent reading, researching concrete info (not watching so called you tube experts with little qualification or experience behind them, but thats a whole other blog!!)  

OK so my point here!!, today I came across a great article, ( I posted it to facebook - the link is at bottom of this article) and I came across a guy named Jim Smith who I had never heard of. I was impressed by what I read, honesty and a no bull crap message on fitness and wellbeing. Turns out that I will learn a heap more about Jim Smith, he is a certified strength and conditioning coach (just like all the trainers at Hybrid) and owner of Diesel Strength.  Read below what he wrote, very much the philosphy we operate by at Hybrid.

  Jim Smith, The Life Changer
The fitness industry is very unique. It has a staggering failure rate, yet still grosses billions of dollars per year. So why aren't people reaching their goals when they are clearly spending their hard-earned money to support every new fitness fad that hits the market? Achieving your fitness goals and the getting the body you want doesn't have anything to do with the latest fancy gadgets or today's most popular workout routine - it all depends on YOU. Our daily lives are filled with negativity from going to a job we don't like, allowing negative people into our circle of friends and from trying to escape our past. These roadblocks and self-imposed self-doubt can many times prevent us from achieving any goal we set for ourselves in and out of the gym – and from living the life of our dreams.
If you ever want to achieve great things in your life, you must first start with belief in yourself. This small spark can turn into a raging fire that can burn down the bridges to your past and help you eliminate the obstacles that you face every day. Once you have this belief, you will become unstoppable if you also take action. Focus on small progress every day and live every moment - and don't fear failure. You don't have to be perfect, just persistent. Realize that every second that you are not taking action is another day living the life you so desperately want to change.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/blog/11-ways-to-achieve-a-healthier-life#ixzz1tnwb62Ts