Artificial Sweeteners, substances to be avoided.

I was talking to a guy today that substitues regular soft drinks for diet soft drinks, his reason being that artificial sweetners are not sugar, have no to little calories and do not cause an insulin release in the body which would encourage excess energy to be stored as fat. My response was maybe there is no insulin release but artificial sweetners are toxic and should be avoided, just as bad as sugar.

Besides being toxic and being linked to cancer, causing headaches, diziness etc artificial sweeteners can make you fat. Yes artificial sweetners is not sugar and is low in calories but the body/brain still reacts like you have eaten sugar and it tries to store glucose that is non-existent which in turn triggers the feeling of being hungry, the body is now craving sugar and leads to you probably eating high sugar processed foods to alleviate this hunger.

So get rid of the diet soft drinks, energy drinks or anything that has an artificial sweetener, this stuff is toxic, harmful and will still result in you storing fat, drink water every chance you get.

If you don't believe me google the negative affects on artificial sweetners, I am sure you will be suprised, actually shocked at the harm they cause.

In reality not so sweet for the body and brain