Exercise now to benefit later

Typical quadriceps MRI scan of a 40-year-old triathlete compared with the quadriceps MRI scans of a 70-year-old triathlete and a 74-year-old sedentary man. Note the significant visual difference between the SCAT and IMAT of the sedentary man versus masters athletes

The follow picture says it all really. The picture shows leg muscle mass of a triathlete at 40, a triathlete at 70 and a couch potato at 70. What is interesting is the girth of the legs are the same in both 70 year olds however the composition is anything but (ever heard me mention Skinny Fat? this picture shows what skinny people who diet wrong with out exercise are really made up off.... More on this another time though).

Ok so the 70 year old sedentary person (the couch potato) obviously does no resistance training, and no exercise and what we can see is a heap of fat (adipose tissue) has replaced the muscle that has broken down. If we do not do exercise and in particular do resistance exercise we start losing our muscle at the age of about 30, if we do exercise though we maintain this muscle and this can be seen in the 70 year old triathlete who still has all of his/her muscle mass. Great example comparing a 40 year old and a 70 year old who both exercise, the benefits can not be argued with here.

Want to be in super shape at 70? If so Come get some at HYBRID!!!