Sugar - Simply Sweet Poison - Part 1

Now that Easter is over it is time for everyone to re-evaluate their sugar consumption. Sugar is known to cause many side effects that are harsh on the body. Actually I should say causes havoc on the body and the brain. Sugar or any refined or processed carbohydrate is what I am referring too when we are discussing sugar consumption.

This article is one of many to come on sugar consumption and why it is nothing but sweet poison to the body. Todays blog looks at sugars (refined/processed carbohydrates) impact on our immune system.

With the winter months coming up people will try and avoid getting sick by consuming more Vitamin C, dis-infecting and washing hands more thoroughly, eating more oranges etc. with the general goal of making the immune system stronger so it fights of any attack from cold and flu viruses.

Whilst we try and make the immune system stronger by increasing these common age old preventative strategies what happens if our immune system didn't even stand a chance in the first place due to your general dietary habits.

Sugar has been proven to be an immune system supressant so if you are consuming processed carbohydrates you are going to be vulnerable, heres why:
  • Sugar has been proven to destroy the germ-killing ability of white blood cells for up to five hours after ingestion.
  • Sugar reduces the production of antibodies, proteins that combine wih and inactivate foreign invaders in the body.
  • Sugar interferes with the transport of vitamin C
  • Sugar causes mineral imbalances and allergic reactions, both of which weaken the immune system. 
  • Sugar neutralises the action of essential fatty acids, thus making cells more open to invasion by bacteria, organisms and viruses. 
So there you have it that is the effect sugar has just on your immune system. Unfortunatley thats just the tip of the iceberg. Your carbohydrate consumption my be making you ill, eat natural avoid processed foods and avoid being sick.