Hybrids visit to The ZUU

On the weekend Shaun had a fantastic opportunity to get along to The ZUU gym on the Gold Coast. The Zuu is a place for people serious about fitness, it is a place where the only machine to be seen is you. The Zuu specifically trains in a style known as "primal pattern" bodyweight exercises and it is tough. But very enjoyable, the sessions are designed to have you pushing your own boundaries and to achieve optimal fitness using nothing but your body.

Hybrid see's a heap of value in this type of training, from day one Hybrid has used bodyweight exercises in it's sessions, we also believe using machines is not the answer, the answer is becoming the machine. Bodyweight training is intense and it is worthwhile.

What had the biggest impact on Shaun at the session was the community spirit The Zuu has, when I arrived I was greeted by all of the participants, many even wished me luck for what was ahead, during the session people were yelling out in encouragement and at the end everyone high fived and shared their accomplishment. To see this was great, it re-inforced what we have at Hybrid is great, we too have a good community, a welcoming and supportive community. As a stranger at this session it made me feel comfortable.

So the purpose of this story is...... even though we have a great community going already at Hybrid lets keep it going and growing, lets be welcoming to new people, lets shout out encouragement during sessions to help everyone get through, lets celebrate at the end as we have accomplished what the trainers threw at us. Lets keep making Hybrid special!!

Hybrid Fitness Athletes feature in Daily Examiner

Hybrid Fitness Athletes feature in Daily Examiner

Lisa, Ann, Chrissy and Susan

Click on the above heading to check out the awesome story on the 4 Hybrid Girls who are doing Tough Mudder with us. Great story girls. If the story has inspired you then read this previous post below on how you too can be apart of this.

BOOM - TOUGH MUDDER has landed in Australia and Hybrid Fitness Training is going to get amongst it. We are taking on the 20km Obstacle course designed by the British Special Forces. We are asking people to join us and take on the challenge, the challenge described as probably the toughest in the World!!

We have 20 people who have already joined up, we will offer free training to help you conquer it!!

If you want to join us, and you should, then follow these directions

1. click on this link: https://register.toughmudder.com/register/groups/default.aspx?newgroup=true&event=6814

2. Once there select the option to join an existing team

3. Search for Hybrid Fitness Grafton, once you have found us join by completing registration.

NOTICE: DUE to EVENT nearly being full you now need PASSWORD to register. Hybrid Fitness Grafton Password is: hybridfitness

4. We are listed to commence on the Saturday at 10:30am, hopefully we can keep this position.

So there it is, come along, tick it off your bucket list. \

You can do this!!!! Check it out in the video below.

What has shapened your life?

We all have gone through life and been shaped along the way by influences and experiences. We will continue to go through life and continue to be shaped by others. Obviously we are shaped by our early experiences with family and friends, I know my Mum has had the biggest influence on myself, a widowed lady that raised 3 kids and did a remarkable job.

As we grow though we find our own interests and are shaped by these, we may have an experience in life that sets us on a change of course. For me I found a shaping experience in music, I obviously do not look like the muso type but I have a true passion for music. I still remember the first time I saw Pearl Jam's Alive film clip, that clip changed me forever. My love for PJ is insurmountable and I am proud of the fact, I have even been in a fight defending this band.

So what is my point with this blog? the point is that now that I run Hybrid Fitness I want to have a life shaping influence on those people that come in contact with. I want people to continue to grow and be shaped and I want to share in this and help with this. Health and Fitness has obviously also played a big part in my life and I feel very blessed I have the opportunity to help shape peoples lives through my passion.

So what has shaped your own life? Are you ready to continue to grow and progress? I am what I am thanks to my family, friends to music, sport and fitness. I continue to grow with my interactions at the gym, new people, new influences. HYBRID is here and we want to share peoples experiences, journeys and help shape your life into a healthier and happier you through fitness.

and here it is, the acoustic version of the song that helped shaped who i am. Be proud of who you are and continue to grow.  

Sugar - Simply Sweet Poison - Part 2

Consider this:

We, as a nation have been steadily decreasing our consumption of fats and cholesterol, yet the incidence of obesity, disease and death from lifestyle diseases have been increasing. How is this so, the experts have told as for decades the best way to eat is low fat but we are still getting faatter and sicker. The answer  ..................................................once again points out to carbohydrates and sugar.

Whilst foods are lower in fat they are much higher in sugar. Since the turn of the 20th century sugar consumption has increased 150%. Sugar become a cheap preservative, it has become an addition to just about all processed foods, fat has been reduced and sugar has been increased. So if the fat is taken out why are we still getting fatter?

There are 2 main reasons:

The first is quite simple, filling your body with more fuel than it actually needs. This is done easily with high sugar foods, basically your livers sugar storage capacity has been exceeded. When the liver is maximumally full the excess sugar is converted into fat and returned to the bloodstream to be stored as fat!!

The 2nd reason is that the sugar will cause excess insulin. Insulin which is a required hormone in the body (a major hormone at that) is released when you ingest carbohydrates, especially simple carbs that are high in sugar (e.g. fruit juice, white bread, white rice, chips, cereals, desserts, sweets, sodas etc). Two actions occur when the insulin levels are spiked. First, the body's fat burning process is shut down so that the sugar that has just been ingested can be immediately used for energy. The insulin takes all that sugar and puts it into your
muscles. The muscles can only take so much though and when muscle energy stores are full, the excess sugars are again converted into fat, just like the fat released from the liver, it is stored as fat in the body.

The low fat - high carb diet is slowly killing us, do not use diet or low fat products with out checking the sugar content. This is suicide to consume high sugar foods. Good chance any processed food has high sugar, no wonder we are struggling, people start their day with a cereal.............bam sugar overload straight away. Try starting day with a protein shake or eggs, say buy to cereals and toasts.

And another thing, food products that use artificial sweetners are just a toxic, artificial sweetners are not a good alternative. More on that later!!!

Sugar - Simply Sweet Poison - Part 1

Now that Easter is over it is time for everyone to re-evaluate their sugar consumption. Sugar is known to cause many side effects that are harsh on the body. Actually I should say causes havoc on the body and the brain. Sugar or any refined or processed carbohydrate is what I am referring too when we are discussing sugar consumption.

This article is one of many to come on sugar consumption and why it is nothing but sweet poison to the body. Todays blog looks at sugars (refined/processed carbohydrates) impact on our immune system.

With the winter months coming up people will try and avoid getting sick by consuming more Vitamin C, dis-infecting and washing hands more thoroughly, eating more oranges etc. with the general goal of making the immune system stronger so it fights of any attack from cold and flu viruses.

Whilst we try and make the immune system stronger by increasing these common age old preventative strategies what happens if our immune system didn't even stand a chance in the first place due to your general dietary habits.

Sugar has been proven to be an immune system supressant so if you are consuming processed carbohydrates you are going to be vulnerable, heres why:
  • Sugar has been proven to destroy the germ-killing ability of white blood cells for up to five hours after ingestion.
  • Sugar reduces the production of antibodies, proteins that combine wih and inactivate foreign invaders in the body.
  • Sugar interferes with the transport of vitamin C
  • Sugar causes mineral imbalances and allergic reactions, both of which weaken the immune system. 
  • Sugar neutralises the action of essential fatty acids, thus making cells more open to invasion by bacteria, organisms and viruses. 
So there you have it that is the effect sugar has just on your immune system. Unfortunatley thats just the tip of the iceberg. Your carbohydrate consumption my be making you ill, eat natural avoid processed foods and avoid being sick.

A Quick Tip to help with Back Pain

Nearly all adults will experience back pain at some stage in life. The majority will feel the pain in the lumbar region ( the curve in the lower back). Now this pain can be well........a real pain in the back but it may be caused by a simple thing like muscle imbalances. A chief cause is lifestyle, active people experience lower rates of back pain whilst people who sit or slouch all day have a higher instance of back pain. The reason being is that if you spend a lot of time sitting your hip flexors shorten and become tight and pull on your lower back. So suddenly you are suffering from back pain, you try and fix the back but the problem is at the front of the hips, you need to stretch the hip flexors to relieve the muscle imbalance and relieve the back pain.

To stretch the hip flexors get down in a lunge position with one leg in front of you and the other extended behind you. Keep your torso upright and sink down and forward into the stretch until you feel it in the target area. Hold the position for 30-60 seconds then switch legs.


Everything is as normal this Easter Weekend. All sessions are as normal. With you getting some free time away from work it is a perfect chance to come and exercise, get in a workout, get fitter, release some stress.

Hope to see you all there. HYBRID - come get some.

Hybrid - taking on TOUGH MUDDER

BOOM - TOUGH MUDDER has landed in Australia and Hybrid Fitness Training is going to get amongst it. We are taking on the 20km Obstacle course designed by the British Special Forces. We are asking people to join us and take on the challenge, the challenge described as probably the toughest in the World!!

We have 20 people who have already joined up, we will offer free training to help you conquer it!!

If you want to join us, and you should, then follow these directions

1. click on this link: https://register.toughmudder.com/register/groups/default.aspx?newgroup=true&event=6814

2. Once there select the option to join an existing team

3. Search for Hybrid Fitness Grafton, once you have found us join by completing registration.

4. We are listed to commence on the Saturday at 10:30am, hopefully we can keep this position.

So there it is, come along, tick it off your bucket list. \

You can do this!!!! Check it out in the video below.

Ego and Integrity!! Two words for Performance

Ego, a small word having a big impact on peoples fitness and performance. Ego or egotism is ones excessive or exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Integrity, a word said more often than it is used. Integrity is the consistency of our actions, values, methods, principles, expectations, measures and outcomes. Integrity is regarded as the honesty, thruthfulness or accuracy of our actions.

So why are these two words so important in health and fitness and why am I blogging about it?

The source of this post comes from Saturday nights mens Grafton's fittest athlete hosted by Xplode Personal Training. Now I was not there as I could not make it, but I have seen footage and been told by others that the mens final was an eye opener due to ridiculously poor form, inconsitent rep counts and it seems a win at all costs attutude. Craig from Xplode should be congratulated for putting something on like this, most the men who competed however should be ashamed. Why? Well it seems they let their ego's get in the way and their actions and movements lacked integrity.

Now as I said I was not there so I don't want to go on any further, again good on Craig for holding the event.

What I would like to comment on is Hybrid's philosphy towards ego and integrity. Anyone who has been to our gym or done a class there you would have seen the GYM RULES with rule number 1 being LEAVE YOUR EGO AT THE DOOR.

Hybrid's Gym Rules
 At Hybrid this is rule number 1 as it will have a big impact on what you do at the gym, and how you perform. We do some tough challenging things at the gym and if someones ego was brought in the door it may result in the workout not being performed properly or even at all. If we did let our ego's come in the door then we would fear failure, fear that our self importance may be affected, we are there to improve, participate, not to be the best or even conquer every workout. The failure we encourage will lead to success in the future. If you can't do something at Hybrid then it is not a big deal, it becomes a new goal, a goal that you will achieve with our help. If you let your ego get in the way you may never have the opportunity to acheive something that you currently cannot do.

In regards to integrity we encourage an integral attitude at each session, enjoy it, be motivated, be honest with your performace, do every workout with integrity. Integrity is also seen in our reps, our movemnts, we encouraghe full high quality movements, proper technique at Hybrid, if a trainer says something to you it is only to help you get better, be a better you, have a better movement quality which leads to a better life.

So there you have it EGO and INTEGRITY, leave one at the door and always bring in the other to help acheive your fitness or health dream.

Now getting back to the Fittest Athlete Challenge held by Xplode PT at the Relay for Life. As I said I could not attend but I did video myself doing it. I would not have entered to win, I would have entered to do my best and be part of a wonderful event. Seeing as though I could not be there I video taped my effort, with pretty good technique. You will see I enjoyed the experience as everyone should, I even chucked in a few dance noves. My time compared to the competiton was double what the leaders did, but I ask you this, if people performed the reps properly like I have done my best to do, do you really think that they could be twice as fast as my example?