Workout Wednesday and reset your goals

Reseting my goals. Seriously I have dropped the ball this winter, I know...... 5kgs 11lbs isn't a big deal but that's when I get comfortable and just keep eating crapola, not exercising and before you know it!!! 20kgs later you are wondering how the heck you got here?

Are you ready to reset your goals? Here are a few simple things to remind us.

I will help you by listing what I will be eating and my exercise regime.

So breakfast is going to be purely based on goodness from now on like this amazing apple & strawberry crumble sprinkled with cinnamon. 


Apple and strawberry crumble for breakfast

Morning and afternoon snacks will consist of fresh fruit and vegetables, protein based products such as yogurt and cottage cheese. Also for those busy days, a smoothie on the run is always a winner!

Morning and afternoon snacks

Morning and afternoon snack ideas

Can't forget my amazing 180 Nutrition protein drinks for pre and post workouts. I love the chocolate protein powder with a banana, walnuts, vanilla essence, your choice of milk (or you can use water) and I add some oats to fill me up even more. Simply delish. 


Healthy chocolate protein smoothie

Lunch will depend if I am at home or I take it away. Here is a fresh lunch idea which you can have at home and also take with you if you are on the go! 

Store in an airtight container and drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice when you are ready to eat. Grab whatever seasonal vegetables/salad you have in your fridge, wash, chop, grate and slice your vegetables. For added protein add either a tin of tuna/salmon, legumes or cooked meat. 


Healthy lunch ideas

For dinner, I like to eat light and not too heavy so I will either omit the heavy tummy feeling I get from eating ordinary pasta and replace it with vegetable ones or wholemeal pasta. Here is my zucchini pasta (simply use a vegetable peeler and slice your raw zucchini) served with bolognese sauce. 


Fresh healthy dinner ideas

As far as those nights that I feel like something sweet, I will either drink water or herbal teas to curb my cravings but if I am really desperate I will make these amazing peanut butter chocolate filled raspberries. Simply mix cacao powder with peanut butter.

Healthy snack ideas

So as you can see, we can do this together. We just need to plan and be prepared for those times we just grab a take away meal or a bad food choice. The main point to remember is you will eat what you buy. So please stock up your pantry and fridge with goodness.


This is the other thing I am committing to. The Freeletics program is really intense so I want to ensure that I am getting enough sleep and fuelling my body. The next session I am doing is burpee max and between you and I, I loathe burpees but it's a total body workout so I know it's doing me good. For those that haven't registered or got their Freeletics guide CLICK HERE

We can also track one another on the app on iTunes so come find me and please join our 15 week transformation challenge. I will post my before pics ASAP to give me motivation not to give up over these next 15 weeks.

Please list your goals below as we strive to get back on track. 

Much love and friendship,