Why I have been MIA from Blogging and what has been going on

Hello Blogging world! Did you notice that my blog has been "deleted" for almost 2 weeks? Well, shame on you if you didn't. Kidding.
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Have you ever heard of the saying by Marilyn Monroe; sometimes GOOD things fall apart so better things come together? Or if you are of Christian faith like I am, "God has perfect timing". "It's all apart of God's plan"?

Perhaps you have heard the most famous saying:

Everything happens for a reason.

Can I please tell you that I am cold, hard, living proof that ALL of the above quotes are TRUE.

Let me explain what has been happening...

As a lot of my friends know, my current job was downsizing. This was the third "downsize" in nearly 2 1/2 years. I have been there since day one and I just felt that the time had come for me to move on and venture into a new career. However, the best way to do that is to have a new job lined up before I leave my current one. So, that's what I did. I obtained an Executive Assistant position for a blooming Real Estate company. My last day at my job was Friday, October 18th and my new job as the Executive Assistant was starting on Tuesday, October 22nd. I talked about that on a lot of my blog entries. The job was Uptown Charlotte and I found a brand new apartment ONE block from my new job. I could walk to work, walk to restaurants, bars, etc. Everything sounds great, right?

That Saturday, the 19th, to celebrate my new job, I went to Greensboro to stay with my grandma and grandpa, and my mom even came up to stay as well. We grilled steaks, looked through old pictures, drank wine, and it was just the best night. Sunday, my grandmother was going to take me shopping for gorgeous new office clothes. We wake up bright and early Sunday morning, get dressed and dolled up, then take off for a day of shopping. 

Once my grandmother and I set out for our fun day off shopping, my cell phone rings. It was the CEO of the real estate company. She told me my job offer was rescinded. And to be honest, I have no idea what happened. "Upon further review, we are not going to be a good fit". NC is an "at will" employment state, which means you can be hired, fired, and anything in between without reason at any time. When she told me that via telephone, my entire world fell apart. The apartment I was so damn excited about? Gone. My new career? Gone.

I am the type of person who measures a lot of my confidence, self actualization, and self worth by my career. My grandmother is the same way, so is my dad. It runs in my family. Sure, it may not be politically correct, but it is what it is.

I felt humiliated. I was so excited and I had told everyone. I was making huge plans. And with a 3 minute phone call, everything was taken. I can't tell you the pain, anxiety attacks, and tears that followed that call. I could not drive home that Sunday because I was so distraught. So, last Monday the drive of shame back to Charlotte commenced. I called my prior boss, sister, Kelly, and the closest people of my life to let them know what happened.

Marquis took me out for pizza when I got back and I hit the ground. It was time to start over. The worst thing I could do was keep harping on what happened and beating myself up. Last week I worked out, did some deep cleaning, and researched company after company applying for jobs and sending my resume for them to keep on file for future openings. I probably contacted over 300 companies.

Sunday night when I was Googling different companies in the Ballantyne Corporate Park (aka the land of opportunity) I saw an investment firm that seemed VERY interesting. Since I previously worked for an investment firm, I thought I would email them. They did not have any job postings on their website, but I did not let that stop me.

The very next morning the President of the company emailed me and told me that he had been interviewing for an Executive Assistant/Office Manager, and he was close to making a decision, but if I could come in that day at 3 PM, he would interview me. So, I got my crap together and I was in his office at 3 PM sharp. The office was in the heart of the corporate park on the fourth floor, overlooking the lake, and was very modern and chic. It felt like "home" being there. I had a great interview. He told he liked my drive and my spunk. (LOL... spunk, huh?) Today, I got the call that he wants me to join his company. I graciously accepted, and I start FRIDAY! This has been some process; interview on Monday, offered the job on Wednesday, and I start Friday.

The President of this company is amazing. He has a stellar sense of humor and we got along great. I am also getting a significant pay raise. Plus, full benefits. Everything makes sense now. I am SO happy. The absolute happiest I have ever been. Now that I have come through the dark, I want to be back at my blog documenting this crazy, ever changing life.

Grandma and I finally had our shopping day today, and man was it successful.

PS: I know a lot of you may know that I am engaged to Marquis and we have a house, etc. so why the heck was I looking for an apartment uptown? I know that sounds crazy, but he and I have a very nontraditional relationship that would probably sound insane to most, but that is a story for another day. No worries though, he is still in my life. 

Well guys that is it for now. I have missed you all so much. I can't wait to catch up and see what everyone has been up too!