Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Alexander Villena

I would have a smerk on my face as well if I had results like Alexander, how sensational does he look? As you all know I too have jumped on board with the Freeletics team and can't wait to share with you my 15 week transformation. That's all it took Alexander and how amazing does he look?

Read his new healthy journey and please leave your comments below.

Alexander Villena Freeletics 15 week transformation

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 
I am 25 years old. I started doing Freeletics in December 2012

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then? 
I ate a lot of bad food. For example burgers and all kind of fried stuff. Another one of my addictons was sugar. I sweetened everything yoghurt, my cornflakes etc. Since i started my health journey last december I changed that completely. I stopped eating sugar, reduced my carb intake and started to eat low carb.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching? 
I play some soccer and from time to time some volleyball. But my favorite sport is Freeletics. It does not take that much time and the results are incredible.

I like to watch soccer some American football and Basketball.

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile? 
There are several: Obviously sports. Since i started doing it on a regular basis its hard to rest for one day :) Another passion are watching series like Breaking Bad or the Walking Dead. I smile when I go out with friends and whenever I see myself in the mirror because in order to get respect and love from others you gotta respect and love yourself.

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change? 
It was a video I saw on YouTube. Levents video. Saw it felt the same way and I wanted the same change he had !!

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months? 
Get even fitter and stronger and finishing my bachelors degree in English and Spanish.

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation? 
Its not about the times when you feel good during a workout. Of course those times are great and you should enjoy them. But what really matters is to stand up and go workout when you don´t feel like it. Those are the decisive moments during a transformation ;) And of course Eat Clean !

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You can follow Alexander on his Instagram page @alexandervillena and Youtube channel Alexander Villena.

This YouTube video is totally inspiring and I hope you too can come join our Freeletics team, no gym equipment required just you and your body! Workout ANYWHERE at home, the office, in the park! Come register now!!! 

JOIN FREELETICS NOW!!! Your new body is waiting for you.

Thank you so much Alexander for sharing your amazing transformation with us.

Much love and friendship from Australia,