Healthy new lifestyle Transformation Tuesday with Matt

This young man is all about, eat what you want as long as it fits your macros. I came across Matt on Instagram @ If_It_Fits_Your_Macros early this year. So Matt's theory is, enjoy the food you eat and if that means a donut, go for it. Of course don't eat the entire Krispy Kreme or Donut King box!!! He's about calorie counting and reaching your macronutrient target and has an amazing story to share. 

So without further a due, here is the sensational Matt Cull.

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 

I’m 21 and I started out at around 17 going to the gym like most other young guys, with very little knowledge or dedication and spent the best part of 2 years training in the gym with very little progress. It wasn’t until I began studying a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science that I really became dedicated and started to develop my knowledge of fitness and what is required to gain muscle mass. From there I improved my eating habits and ever since I have been dedicated to educating myself in nutrition and training through my own research of scientific studies and research, the most reliable source of information that is available. More recently, I have been dedicated to spreading the truths of the fitness industry through my business project ‘Macro Fit’, and educating people about a more flexible approach to dieting through macronutrient tracking. When I started my journey I was a mere 68kg and am currently 83kg at 6’ which I predominantly achieved through the utilization of tracking calorie intake and macronutrients.

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then? 

When I was younger I just ate whatever Mum cooked. Our dinner was always home cooked and on the rare occasion we would have take away, it never bothered me that we didn’t eat much take away because my mums cooking was always good. We had plenty of rice and pasta usually with a serving of meat and vegetables. Breakfast was always cereal and toast. Nowadays, I eat a similarly broad range of foods, and even though I still live with my parents, I cook all my meals. I eat any foods that will fit into my predetermined macronutrient goals. Anything from poptarts to broccoli, chicken to pizza etc. It’s all about moderation, with health being the number one priority, so getting sufficient vitamins and minerals and fibre is just as vital as reaching your macronutrient targets.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?

I have always been very athletic in the past and have played more sports competitively than I can think of however I predominantly played footy and cricket. I have put these on hold for the time being however to focus on my studies and on my weight training.

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?

Obviously physical fitness and health is a great interest of mine; ensuring I am healthy and doing the best I can to ensure a great quality of life for myself in the future. In particular I love weight training. Educating myself is a passion and I’ll probably be at Uni studying until I’m 26.  I get a great deal of satisfaction from helping others, especially in educating people about fitness. I have a lovely partner of 5 years who makes me smile as well as our border collie pup of 10 months. I also absolutely love the TV show “Parks and Recreation”, it’s pretty much the only TV I will watch as the rest is nonsense.

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?

Starting my university degree, not only because I was learning relevant information about the anatomy and physiology of the body but also that university teaches you that you can’t make any claims about something, unless there is sound scientific evidence to support the claim. For me, this provoked a desire to research things for myself and find out all the answers I needed to know from a fitness perspective.

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?

I am hoping for my new business to be a success, so I can help spread the truths of the fitness industry to the world and help people to live a more practical and sustainable life while achieving their health and fitness goals.

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?

Count calories and track macronutrients. It’s not as hard or as time consuming as it sounds, and once you get used to it, it become second nature. I spent too many years not knowing how much to eat, or what proportion of macronutrients I was eating or needed to eat. Tracking macros takes the guesswork out of it and gives you the option to be much more flexible than just about every other dieting protocol, which means you are far more likely to stick with it and achieve goals in the long term.

Thank you so much Matt for sharing your new healthy lifestyle with us. For those interested in following Matt and his amazing macro lifestyle, you can reach him here;

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