Healthy living and what we typically eat

I was looking through some of my old posts today and came across this one I did in the very first month of my blogging venture.

Not much has changed and it's great to see that we are not on any yoyo diets, this is now our healthy lifestyle.

June 2012

Here is what we ate today....

Almond Milk

I occasionally substitute cows milk with almond milk which is 1 cup of almonds blended with 2 cups of filtered water (or just depends how thick and creamy you like it). I know some recipes suggest to soak the almonds overnight, I find the result is the just keep blending the almonds until they completely infuse into the water making it look all creamy like milk. Then strain in a cheese cloth and voila! you have an amazing tasting milk alternative, especially for those that get some tummy bloating after having too much cows milk.

Breakfast ~ Quinoa with strawberry, kiwi and raspberries

Simply cook the quinoa as per package instructions, add milk and load up with fresh fruit and there you have an amazing supportive and clean eating breakfast that will keep you fuelled for the morning!

Quinoa with strawberries and kiwi fruit

Morning snack ~ Yogurt with pineapple pieces

Super fast, as there is always yogurt in the fridge and if ever your fresh fruit supply is down, make sure you have some handy "tinned" fruit to add. Also nuts are power protein food!

Yogurt with pineapple

Lunch ~ Salmon beetroot salad with corn kernels
We had salmon last night and this was my left over. Mixed some salad, canned corn kernel and beetroot. Super fast, super tasty!!!! Simply splashed vinegar and olive oil and voila!

Salmon beetroot salad

Afternoon snack ~ Chick peas, celery, gala apples with dip

Our kids are famished when they come home from school and kinda and love this snack. We also incorporate rice crackers too

Chickpeas with with dip 

Dinner ~ Poached chicken with broccoli & peas on a bed of rice
These are considered my cheat nights, where I just wrap the chicken in foil and spice accordingly, in a steamer beside the broccoli and peas whilst the rice cooker does it's magic. Then crumble feta cheese over it. There's no slaving over a hot stove for this ripper dinner!

Poached chicken with broccoli and peas

So that was our day of meals. I hope it gives you some insight on how you can eat healthy and colourful dishes and not spend too much time in the kitchen. I'd rather play "cars" with our kids, as I did while dinner was steaming away :-) XxDani

Do you plan your meals and keep a record of what you eat?