Train Dirty...Eat Clean

This morning I was adding a few quotes/statements to the whiteboard at the gym and one of these was the following; " You can not out train a shitty diet; Train Dirty - Eat Clean"

Now that Christmas and New Years is over and we have all probably overindulged and made unwise food choices it is now time to focus. If you are serious about your fitness and wellbeing the statement above is so important, no matter how hard you train you will not see the results from this training unless you eating is good. Eating good means we are eating clean, not restricting calorie intake. The first step is to get quality right, if you are eating quality foods the brain normally looks after the quantity side of things through hormone release that makes you feel full. Crap foods do not have this same affect, you don't feel full so you keep eating.

Eat real foods, Meat, vegies, fruit, nuts, seeds, some dairy (mainly yoghurt). Eliminate sugars and processed foods, eliminate grains and fruit juice is not fruit. Fruit juice is not good eating. Drink lots of water and avoid any other type of drink unless it is a protein shake, teas or coffee.

Eating well is simple but people struggle with it as the previous bad eating has caused your hormones to be in a confused, mixed up state, causing cravings for the poor foods. If you eat clean for 30 - 45 days the cravings will go, it takes discipline, it takes a heap of commitment but the reward is worth it. You will feel so much better, have more energy and daily life will improve out of sight.

If you put crap in your mouth the result is mixed up hormones, increased weight gain, less sustained energy, mood swings, inflammation in the body and an increased chance of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart disease. Start 2013 by getting your eating right, if you commit for 30 days you will see a big difference, all I am asking for is 30 days.

Lets get right and eat well in 2013.

Just cause I am enjoying infographs at the moment check out the one below that shows how long poor food choices take to burn off.

Click below link to see infograph in larger format: