No added sugar challenge 1st - 14th February

Here it is. Another challenge coming up next month.

Sugar free challenge 2013

Are you in??? If so please ensure you subscribe to my blog (add your email address in the top right side bar box) to register for this challenge and never miss a blog post!

It's back!!!! The sugar free challenge we all did last year was such a success, simply follow the guidelines we did last year. Any questions you may have please list them under the CHALLENGES tab or on my posts here over the 14 days.


The rules of this challenge are simple. It's based on a honesty system, so if you cheat you are only doing it to yourself. Also be kind to yourself if you have never done this before. If you slip up, simply get back on track and eliminate the sugar for the remaining challenge. We are all here supporting one another either via Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. So we are only a key stroke away!!! 

We will have 2 teams:

Fruits of life 

We are not to have any foods that have added sugar of any kind. This also includes the added natural sugars eg: honey, maple syrup etc.... If it has added sugar of any kind, we won't be eating it. This also applies to any and ALL artificial sweeteners. Excludes protein powders as majority of them have artificial sweeteners or stevia etc...

Sugar-less babes 

You are allowed to have the natural sugars eg: honey, maple syrup, stevia (and those of you that REALLY need 1 tsp sugar in your coffee or whatever) this is only allowed once a day. Can you imagine if you had a coffee, then a smoothie, plus fruit and other foods that have natural sugars etc.... you really wouldn't be doing a sugar free challenge then would you?

Both teams are allowed:
  • 3 servings of fruit per day*
  • Ensure you have a smoothie per day to combat our cravings and also to keep our energy levels up!

*Fruit serve examples: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1/2 cup of berries etc...

NB: For those that wish to eliminate fruit as it does contain plenty of natural sugars, we need to acknowledge it is also a part of our healthy eating plan. This is your choice. Fruits of life team only avoid dried fruits.

I think it is also important for us to have a smoothie per day to curb any sugar withdrawal symptoms so please share your most favourite ones. When you have your smoothie per day, don't forget to count this as part of your 3 serves of fruit per day!

Here's a fave green smoothie of mine:

Yogurt or milk with 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
1tsp chia seeds 
1 cup of spinach 
1 banana
1/2 cup fresh or frozen berries

This smoothie would count as 2 serves of fruit for the day, therefore I am allowed 1 more piece of fruit. Get what I mean?

Our main goal is to GIVE UP the added sugars in the ingredient list. So don't worry about the % of sugar found per grams in the label, rather check in the ingredients that there has been NO ADDED SUGAR! This includes your tomato sauce AKA ketchup! It also includes the like of your dried cranberries as they are loaded with sugar!!!! 

Handy tips

1). Remove any food items you may have around your house that contain sugar. I typically put sugary foods in a box hidden so I avoid any temptation ;-) 

2). Be prepared with food. Always prepare or carry relatively healthy snacks and ensure you eat before you go out anywhere. 

3). Try to eat as clean as you can

4). Eat at least 5 meals per day eg: bfast, snack, lunch, snack & dinner

5). For support post your comments here on the blog, FB, Instagram or Twitter so we can help one another

6). Get out and exercise. If you're feeling stressed or craving sugar do some star jumps, resistance training, cardio, go for a run! WHATEVER you like/enjoy doing as long as you don't put that chocolate bar in your mouth :-)

7). Let's share some of our handy tips to prepare for our 2 week sugar free challenge. Please list them below

8). It would also be worth while to measure yourself eg: hips, waist and those of you that have a muffin top ;) this is around your belly button. This will be more powerful than the number you weigh on your scales but feel free to stat those down as well. It's amazing how many cm's & inches are lost in 2 weeks. You will be amazed!!! 

9). This can be a 14 day challenge or an entire February challenge, the choice is yours!

Meal Planner Calendar 

Many have asked about meal planners and what types of foods you should be eating. I will endeavour to do a planner before our challenge commences. This will just give you some ideas on what foods I eat and you feel free to tailor your own for the 2 week challenge. I will be posting the food I eat over the 14 days so stop by for some inspiration. 

In closing, just a reminder you need to subscribe to my blog (place your email address in the top right side box) to register for this challenge and never miss a blog post!


For those needing inspiration with recipes go check out I QUIT SUGAR by Sarah Wilson. It's a fabulous reference as she has completely cut out sugar in her diet, COMPLETELY!!!! 

Sugar free challenge

Let the games begin.....on Friday the 1st of February 2013. 

Xx Dani