Happy New Year!!! Bring on 2013!!!

Happy New Year everyone!! It’s been a while and I have missed you so much. How are you??? How did you spend New Years Eve?

We were with friends down the coast and took this pic on our way there. Jumping in the air welcoming the New Year!

Happy New Year 2013 from Fitness Food And Style

We have been on holidays down at our beach house in Lorne, which has been great family time. Adrian hasn’t had a long break like this all year so the kids are loving spending their days bike riding, surfing, playing beach cricket, swimming, scooter riding and exploring with their Dad.

Our holiday snaps thus far....

Summer holidays

We have been eating relatively healthy although we have fallen in some bad habits. Treating ourselves with ice-cream’s (I should have packed my icy pole moulds) and potato chips! All these indulgences add up when you have them daily or every second day but hey! we eat well throughout the entire year so once in a while we find it’s okay to splurge on some junk! How do you go when you go away on holidays? Do you find you drop the ball sometimes or do you remain diligent at all times?

Here are some breakfast samples of the “healthier” food we have been eating;

Muesli with fresh fruit and natural yogurt

Muesli with fruit

Pear and mango porridge

Pear and mango porridge

I typically grab a can of pears and make my pear porridge recipe with milk and oats on a stove top or microwave. However I had very ripe pears so I ended up slicing them all in the mix and cooked them up with some water and majority milk. No sugar required as these pears were super sweet!!!! 

No added sugar waffles

Waffles no added sugar

With my waffle mix it is pretty much the carbon copy of my crepe/pancake mix I just make sure the batter is a bit thicker for the waffle machine. The kids go crazy as we all share the waffles on the plate/board and place whatever toppings on there eg: natural yogurt, fruit, maple syrup or honey etc....

We have been walking everyday to the beach which is a lovely 700 meters beside the Erskine River and just outfront the Mantra Resort. Lorne is such a beautiful place and we are truly blessed to have this beach house at this time. I have also managed to run to the pier and back with no stitch! YAY!!!

Lorne run from Erskine River to the Pier

The #planksjan2013 challenge has been going off on Instagram. There are over 300 photos tagged in 13 days!!! How have you been going with the challenge? I have increased my time from 30secs to 40secs planks but some people have been doing a minimum of 60 secs and some up to 4 minutes!!! They rock! They are inspiring me to double my plank time so I too can achieve a 2 or 3 minute plank by the end of the month!!

I will post more plank info in my next post, for now I wanted to say how much I missed you and to say a quick hello from our holidays!

Have a great week until we meet again, when we are back from our holidays!!!

Xx Dani