Santa pictures with some yoga poses

It was hilarious, yesterday we went to get Santa photos and of course the girls got a bit shy so I had to pose in the picture!

The funny thing was, the kids got talking and we got onto health and fitness so what did Santa and I do?

A yoga stretch pose of course to show the kids how flexible Santa is when he slides down the various chimneys across the globe!! It was freaking hilarious!!!! For any of my yoga readers, is this a yoga pose and if so what is it called? The closest I can think of is between the warrior combined with the bow??

Santa stretches

We have been busy baking, crafting and here are some of the kids art work over this festive season.

Reindeer foot and hand printing

Amazing what a few feet, hands and paint can do!!!! Here is little Mietta's Christmas tree creation.

Foot print Christmas tree

Baked these gorgeous banana choc chip (omit the chips and they are 100% clean, no added sugar) muffins the other day and they were so moist and super sweet as I used 2 fully ripe bananas.

Clean eating banana choc chip muffins

Please forgive me but my measurements are approximate only, so I hope you can work with me here.

500g wholemeal flour
2 smashed bananas
1 tsp vanilla essence
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2tbs chia seeds
1/2 cup organic apple concentrate (found at health food store)
1 egg
1/4 cup macadamia nut oil
2tbs choc chips
Splash of milk for the right muffin consistency

I typically bake in a 180-200C degree oven for 20 minutes or until the skewer comes out clean.

Breakfast this morning was a chocolate orange porridge mix

Jaffa porridge

This flavour reminded me of those candy covered orange chocolates! Yum! Well I much prefer this flavour these days. Simply cook porridge on stove top or microwave add, chopped oranges and 1/2 tbs of cacao powder and there you have it! Add more milk or water to your liking and honey/agave or whatever natural sweetener you prefer. I really enjoyed this, this morning.

Snacks today were a combo of yogurt with fruit, 180 Nutrition smoothie and we had some shortbread from our lovely next door neighbour this afternoon which was kinda our little treat! Well not really for me as I had a block of Cadburys creations chocolate AGAIN! last night (well 3/4, Adrian shared the love as well). Getting really bad over this time of year so I don't really know why I do it to myself.....self sabotage is a curse!

Dinner home made pizzas

Clean eating pizza

The pizza base is pretty much based on the same concept and pizza recipe here but this mix was wholemeal, baking powder, salt, dried herbs thyme, basil & oregano, chia seeds, olive oil and warm tepid water. Blitz the dry ingredients and then add the wet until you get a dough constancy.

#Xmas25Squats UPDATE

Okay so I have been a bit slack with my normal fitness regime however still kicking a double s with these 25 squats per day. In fact to get me moving I posted on Instagram 2 days ago:

BOY!!! I really didn't know what I was getting myself into! So on Instagram alone I clocked over 224 likes (it's now up to 280) so a lovely IG friend offered to do the 24 if I did the 200 at close of business that day. Sheesh were my thighs burning, my legs are definitely getting stronger and my booty is kinda lifting towards the sky above rather than gravity pushing it down below.....

Look at all these beautiful peeps doing the squats challenge on Instagram, they are truly inspirational!!!

Squats challenge #xmas25squats

It has been so brilliant and I can't believe we have only 5 more days until Santa arrives!!!! Have you got everything ready for Christmas and any of my blog readers enjoying the squats challenge? Here are mine for the past few days....

On Tuesday while I was at the hairdressers, I had so many to catch up on!!!

This is when my booty did a total of 200 from my Instagram post!!!

Baby Zali and I....

I need to finish off by thanking all you beautiful readers for coming to my blog everyday and reading my posts these past 6 months. I just realised the other day I have clocked over......

100,000 PAGE VIEWS Fitness Food And Style

It really means a lot to me that you come and read my posts as I love what I am doing and I look forward to catching up again real soon.

Xx Dani